Does anyone have it? I was asked to take a look at it. Wonder how it will help me back to
Last Sundays Text
by HeyNow! 5 Replies latest watchtower bible
Brooklyns 12:43 "Lo, saeth the LORD Jehover: Serve and do the bidings of the Watchtower and the Governing Body or you will be destroyed at Armageddon and birds will fly from the heavens above and pluck your eyes out and eat you."
lmfao good one and it makes sense!
I don't know it either but it's given me a great idea for the borgs.
They should have a site that sends automatic bible-based 'reminders' emails to their work email address, kinda like "word for the day". They could open their inbox and get the days text. Then cyber-elder could ask questions and they could cut and paste the answer from the days text back to the elder.
Gee i am SO clever.
Surely it will help you going back. Just meditate on
Psalm 84:10 For a day in your courtyards is better than a thousand [elsewhere]
and you're longing for the next meeting
sorry, no english comment on this ... but you'll know what it would be.
Great post Elsewhere!!! Rolling on the floor!!!