For Medical Malpractice if:
You were sick from July of 2003 to May of 2004 and didn't even know about it because the Doctors never informed you?
And on top of that you can prove that you never even took a test that happens to show you were sick.
The Doctors have a test result of an ultra sound showing I had a large mass back in July 2003. A test I never even took.
The strange thing is I was sick. When I went into the emergency at the end of April this year I was aked if I had taken care of the mass they found back in July 03. I had no idea what they were talking about.
The ER Doc performed an ultra sound right there in the ER. I told he there is no way I would forget this. That initial Ultra sound didn't show anything. So I was hoping it was all a huge mistake.
But she ran more tests and the mass showed on each of those.