Simon and I have buried the hatchett (not in each other), I'm back. Thanks Simon. Simon and I are both VERY passionate about what be believe. I'm sure we'll disagree again, but for now we've decided we went to far, have kissed and made up (nice minty mouthwash by the way Simon). I'd still have a beer with anyone on this board.
Buried the Hatchett
by Yerusalyim 8 Replies latest jw friends
Nice to hear that Yeru, by the way, did you meet each other to make up? LOL
Yeru, I wanted to say that I always enjoy your posts and I myself see many similarities in your convictions, especially in the arena of politics. You are not afraid to stand up what you believe in and I urge you to continue doing that. You can have a beer anytime with me good friend!
Gesundheit! Prosit!
Richie :*)
Yeru, it's interesting that you are saying that you and Simon are both very compassionate about your convictions. I am the same way - true I mostly disagree with Simon and often I have to bite my tongue not to get too angry with him about some political issues, so I take a deep breath and think things over before I comment, although I will never compromise my beliefs - and you are the same that way - and my strong support as a conservative republican. Everybody has the right to his opinion and that is reflected on this board and having said that, I do thank Simon, as was also mentioned by Lady Lee just now, that he has made this forum available for all of us ex-witnesses. For that I am so grateful to him in that it has helped me and countless others, to bring us all back to sanity and a life worth living for.....
My thanks to Simon......
Richie :*)
I'm glad you decided to stay Yeru. Although we don't agree politically, I do appreciate having people with different opinions on the board...that's what makes life rich.
Richie,I also have to say the same with you. I appreciate your passion as well, however, I still do not understand this:
I have to bite my tongue not to get too angry with him about some political issues, so I take a deep breath and think things over before I comment, although I will never compromise my beliefs
What is there to get angry over? It is just different people with different (opposing) ideas. Just because a person stays calm doesn't mean they have compromised their belief or their convictions. There is room for different opinions and angles on political issues and I hope that you and Yeru both continue to voice them. Now that's the only nice thing I am going to say to you and Rat Bastard Republicans!
((((((((((((((((Yeru))))))))))))))))))) You should have bit his tongue whilst kissing him ROFLMAO
Glad to see ya back!
I still say you're a psycho conservative and a patriarch?s wet dream though!
A beer of peace for Yerusalim,
Did you say "wet dream"?? WOOHOOO!