I have printed some Flyers

by Junction-Guy 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • Junction-Guy

    I have printed up some flyers that im going to post around town in various places. Basically what they say is that Im a former JW and looking to start a meet up group with other former members. I printed 3 different types, 1 for the general public that I will post in grocery stores, laundromats, and other public places, 1 that I will post on church bulletin boards here in Knox County, and 1 that I will post on my bulletin board at work. Where I work there are probably a total of 600 officers, of which there are approximately 300-400 correctional officers, surely there are at least one or two who have had some affiliation with the JW's in their life. I plan on taking these flyers to ever local business within 2 miles from me and also our community bulletin board at our apartments. Wow this is almost like working in service, can I count my time? lol


  • allpoweredup

    Sure, and why not print and distribute copies of this flyer while at it:


  • kls

    Good for you Junction,a little help in any way goes a long way.

  • blondie

    I have thought about doing the same even if it endangers my fader status. Let us know how it goes.


  • Elsewhere

    Sounds like a great idea!

    Likely just a few people will show up at first... but in time as word spreads more people will emerge.

    Try to keep the content of the flyers to being ?up building? and ?encouraging?. Try not to attack the organization in any way ? that may cause long dormant ?aposto-shields? in people to go up.

    Good luck!!!

  • ohiocowboy

    Good idea. Several years ago in Ft. Lauderdale, I placed an ad for the same in one of the local magazines. I got a lot of calls, and was able to meet quite a few people. Expect some of the signs to be taken down by any current JW's though that happen to see them. Good luck!

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