Aw, you guys are sweet! :D ((((HUGS))))
I've been just hanging out over here...working at Hastings (a really fun job!) and trying to keep up with housework. ;-)
Been taking a class on Buddhism...I really love it. I don't think I want to become a Buddhist...I certainly don't feel like taking any vows. :p But I really like the concepts behind it, and the different meditations I've been learning have been really wonderful. Plus it's great to be making friends with people at work and in the class.
Something really cool happened last mom emailed me and told me that she is on antidepressants now and is really happy. I've been feeling so guilty for "ruining their lives"....I know it's really co-dependent of me, but that was something I just couldn't figure out: how to be happy and know they're disappointed in me at the same time. I grew up basing my self-esteem on "making" them happy.
Anyway, she told me that while she doesn't agree with my decision, she really respects it and thinks it's really well thought out. She said she's very happy now and knows I'm happy and is just really content with the way things are. WHEW! So I've sort of been on cloud 9 since then. I feel like all is well with the world. It's funny, and kind of sad, now much of a difference parental approval can make. :-7
Anyway, I feel sort of human. It's nice!
I hope you all are doing well. Thanks so much for thinking about're just so sweet. And thanks for sending the link, Dan! ;-)