Your JW Is Showing

by Corvin 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • Corvin

    OK, it isn't often that I just plain vent or rant on this board, but gosh-darnit, I need to let this out . . .

    Some JW's are such nuerotic nutjobs . . .Why can't they just be happy and allow you your peace and happiness????

    . . .

    . . .

    Thanks for listening.


  • Been there
    Been there

    Feel Better Now?

  • Sirius Dogma
    Sirius Dogma
    Some JW's are such nuerotic nutjobs

    Only the ones who are the most sane.

    Why can't they just be happy and allow you your peace and happiness????

    If they were happy and allowed you peace and happiness, what purpose would they have?

    and yes, I like answering retorical questions.

    Hope things are getting better over there for you Corvin.


  • gitasatsangha

    There once was a nation whose harvest of grain was poisoned. Those who ate of it would become insane.

    "There is but one thing to do" said the King, "we must eat the grain to survive, but some of us must not, in order to remind the rest of us that we are insane."

  • kls

    Because they themselves can't be happy.

  • Sunspot

    **Why can't they just be happy and allow you your peace and happiness????

    Yeah, Corvin, I hear you! My superfine pioneer elders-wife daughter keeps pulling nasty tricks on me the same way. She JUST can't lemmee BE. It stinks. I know.

    Chin up and all that!

    hugs to Corvin,


  • HappyDad

    Ignore them happy................forget about them...............but then I may have a different situation than most...........I DON'T HAVE ANYBODY TO WORRY ABOUT.............NO FAMILY OR FRIENDS IN THE BORG.........ANYMORE.............IF THEY ARE STILL THERE...........THEY MEAN NOTHING TO ME..........


  • Ciara

    I know what you mean, Corvin. I had to threaten them legally to get any peace. Sometimes, I seriously thinking of moving so I don't have to see witnesses that I knew everywhere I go.

    Also, don't feel bad because you needed to blow some steam. After all, it's mighty theraputic sometimes!!!


  • cyber-sista

    JWs are the biggest party poopers on earth. Whenever you were ever having any sort of fun doing anything they were always there to throw a wet blanket on anything that wasn't a theocratic activity. Even association among the JW was supposed to be theocratically refreshing (playing bible games, singing bible songs, talking about bible subjects) Of course we didn't all do that, but that was what was laid out for us by the all knowing and wise Organization. So there is major uptightness even among the brotherhood, but if you are on the outside of the Org they assume that if anything goes well for you it is from satan and they most definitely do not want to be supporting that sort of happiness!

  • astro_girl

    My mother-in-law has been a JW for about 50+ years and it seems she is most animated and gleeful when verbally ripping apart others behind their backs. She and her "sisters" just sit around and have a gossip-fest every other day. Listening to them you'd think they were back in the high school lunchroom!

    They talk viciously about non-JWs and the JWs in their cong so no one really escapes their nasty comments (I know my husband and I are being discussed as well since we are both "demonized heathens") I often wonder how such "good Christians" can actually think this is acceptable behaviour. What gives them the right to be so arrogant and judgemental?! Do they really have to put others down in order to feel better about themselves?

    The thing that irks me the most is that they laugh their heads off at other people's religious (or non-religious) beliefs but yet they demand the utmost respect for their own beliefs. It's absurd! The "truth"....the truth is that they are a bunch of back-stabbing insecure fools!

    There! I vented too!! Now I feel better! astro_girl

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