There's a great book about the Scrabble subculture called "Word Freak." I read it last year because I was considering joining a local Scrabble group. However, after reading the book, I realized I'm what the "word freaks" call a good living room player and nothing more.
I've loved Scrabble since I was a little kid and became rather famous in my congregation for whupping the adults. When I was 10 years old, this sister with really low self-esteem challenged me to a game and I beat her somethin' fierce. She was really sarcastic to me after that and so I started losing intentionally now and then.
Anyhoooo, this book has a section on anagrams, which is a really key skill for a good Scrabble player. It tells about the history of anagrams and I found the following particularly interesting.
In the Book of John, Pontius Pilate asks Jesus, "Quid est veritas?" (What is truth?) His answer is an anagram: "Est vir qui adest." (It is the man who is before you.) For some reason, when I read that, it made me really love Jesus for a minute and not just because he apparently is truth.
Here's my favorite anagram of all time: "President Clinton of the USA" turns into "to copulate, he finds interns." What are the odds???
-L (of the word freak class)