Happy 4th!

by Valis 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • Valis

    Well I'm off to south Texas to see my chillerins for the 4th of July weekend. Hope you all have a good 4th and all our UK friends out there take amoment to reflect on the whoopin you got at the hands of bunch of rabble rousing colonialists... Take care and see you on Monday...w/pics!


    Distirct Overbeer

  • seeitallclearlynow

    Sounds like a great time you'll have Valis! I'm considering going to Huntington Beach, I miss it from when I lived there during 7th grade - can't include the kids though (JW's) - but it still sounds great, if it's not too crowded!

    And of course, I will expect those pictures right away! Haha. Have fun!

  • Deleted

    I like to call it The-Day-My-Old-Team-Came-In-Second Day, but have a happy one all the same.

  • Valis

    Greetings everyone...just got home from south Texas...quite hot, but I had a great time with the kids..Have a good evening and here's some new pics of the chickens..


    District Overbeer

  • Gadget

    Glad you had a good time!

    See you next week.......

  • Valis

    Oi! Gadge...do you plan to be gone to France on your motor journey the week or so after the BBQ?


    District Overbeer

  • shotgun

    Nice pictures Valice...cute kids..must get it from their mothers side!

    Have fun across the pond!

  • Valis
    Nice pictures Valice...cute kids..must get it from their mothers side!

    *LOL* ya and it is a good thing eh shortgun?Hope things are well for you and ya I plan on having a grrrrreat time...


    District Overbeer

  • seeitallclearlynow

    So wonderful, Valis, I looooove the pictures...I'm a little envious...but I had my turn when mine were little I guess. It never lasts long enough.

    And you yourself and CSG are quite something I think!

  • Gadget
    Oi! Gadge...do you plan to be gone to France on your motor journey the week or so after the BBQ?

    I was going to go the week before the bbq, but the weather forecasts have put pay to that idea....... I'm now to be sunning myself in the Mediterenean instead! I'll be back for the bbq, and if the weathers good will be riding my bike around for a bit then, but probably not for long as I'll need to get back up home.


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