Inner peace at last!

by PriestessLizzie 9 Replies latest social humour

  • PriestessLizzie

    I am passing this on to you because it has definitely worked for me...and as we start summer we all could use a little calm.

    By following the simple advice I read in an article, I have finally found inner peace. The article read:

    "The way to achieve inner peace is to finish all the things you've started"

    and before leaving the house this morning I finished off a bottle of red wine, a bottle of white wine, the Bailey's, Kahlua, WildTurkey, the Prozac, some valium, some cheesecake and a box of chocolates.

    You have no idea how freakin good I feel....

  • Lehaa

    I know what you mean, a bottle of red and a couple of really good pain killers always does it for me.

    I'd hate to be ther for the killer hangover in the morning.

  • notperfectyet

    Very True PriestessLizzie!


    Welcome to the board.

  • avishai

    Are you OK, hun? I hope this is all in fun, not serious.....

  • avengers

    No beer? Shame on you. lol.

    Like avishai said, I hope you're joking.


  • Cassiline
    I know what you mean, a bottle of red and a couple of really good pain killers always does it for me.

    I assumed that Lizzies post was a joke or sarcasm since it's under humor ? that coupled with the quote she posts. However another post in this thread where one advocates mixing narcotics or ?really good pain killers? and liquor together made me cringe.

    How many people a year kill them by mistake doing the same is really scary. Both liquor and pain killers are respiratory depressants.

    You mix the two you have a good chance of ending up dead or a vegetable.

    Perhaps both are jokes, and I in getting older and having the father of one of my daughters best friends die the same way as Lehaa described has touched a nerve.

    Maybe I?m just far too serious am taking exception to nothing whatsoever. But suggesting/advocating the mixing of things which could kill to those who may or may not know any better IMO is irresponsible.

    Please remember teens (yeah teens are not supposed to drink?but we all know it happens) do post here and many emulate behavior they believe is ok because adults do it. Not to mention my daughter?s friend was an adult and he still accidentally killed himself doing the same.

    Cassi, sorry to be preaching class.

    Edit to add

    There are several people on this thread who are concerned for her well being so I hope I am not over reacting and again I apologize for being preachy.

  • Lehaa

    Sorry if I hit a Nerve Cassie, I was Kind of kidding. Have done it a couple of times in the past when things were really bad.

    Have not done it in years and never plan too again. Smarter than that now.


  • candidlynuts

    i'm sure it was a joke.. i got the same joke in email yesterday

  • PriestessLizzie

    Yes it was a joke. I only drink on occassion and it has been 13 years since I've used drugs (have this paranoia that something will happen to my child and i wont be sober enough to handle it properly).

    Dont worry about me Avashai, I will be in perfect health come Beltane *winks*

  • codeblue

    Your thread made me laugh.......thanks!!!

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