G'day all,
How's things this weekend for you? Here in NSW we're gripped by our customary drought and water for domestic use is getting in short supply. Each day brings another blue sky and we enjoy the weekend afternoons on picnics or just generally outdoors. Mrs Ozzie and I enjoyed a fine meal out today - what were we drinking? Nottage Hill shiraz. It's very commercial, rather cheap, but well, there wasn't much else on offer, so why not!
During the week Mrs Ozzie took a go at posting from her own new machine - will we see her wake up on the weekend in time to post? Who knows? At the moment both she and our persian cat have one thing in common - they're asleep by a warm heater!
So, what'll we start off the new century of weekend polls with? Russia has been in the news on the board this past week. Remember how the eastern bloc introduced "us" to a new phenomenom at conventions - the final applause?
So, here's ths weekend's question:
Why do they applaud the final prayer?
1. So thankful to be part of "Jehovah's organisation".
2. So glad to be part of a "worldwide association of brothers" (wait a mo, I thought that was JWD!!!!)
3. Thankful it's all over for another year!
4. Just woke up and thought they're at a concert!
5. Applauding the speaker who won the "who can say 'organisation' the most times in a talk?" competition!!
6. Just heard the location of next year's convention - it's Hawaii !!!
7. The prayer went so long and sounded so much like a talk, they thought it was a talk!
8. Anything they can do, we can do too!
9. Obedience to the "faithful slave". (Huh???!!!)
10. Other (please detail)
So once again we'll be keenly anticipating your insights, so get posting those replies. Oh, and don't forget......
Cheers, Ozzie