Ozzie's 101st Weekend Poll

by ozziepost 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • ozziepost

    G'day all,

    How's things this weekend for you? Here in NSW we're gripped by our customary drought and water for domestic use is getting in short supply. Each day brings another blue sky and we enjoy the weekend afternoons on picnics or just generally outdoors. Mrs Ozzie and I enjoyed a fine meal out today - what were we drinking? Nottage Hill shiraz. It's very commercial, rather cheap, but well, there wasn't much else on offer, so why not!

    During the week Mrs Ozzie took a go at posting from her own new machine - will we see her wake up on the weekend in time to post? Who knows? At the moment both she and our persian cat have one thing in common - they're asleep by a warm heater!

    So, what'll we start off the new century of weekend polls with? Russia has been in the news on the board this past week. Remember how the eastern bloc introduced "us" to a new phenomenom at conventions - the final applause?

    So, here's ths weekend's question:

    Why do they applaud the final prayer?

    1. So thankful to be part of "Jehovah's organisation".

    2. So glad to be part of a "worldwide association of brothers" (wait a mo, I thought that was JWD!!!!)

    3. Thankful it's all over for another year!

    4. Just woke up and thought they're at a concert!

    5. Applauding the speaker who won the "who can say 'organisation' the most times in a talk?" competition!!

    6. Just heard the location of next year's convention - it's Hawaii !!!

    7. The prayer went so long and sounded so much like a talk, they thought it was a talk!

    8. Anything they can do, we can do too!

    9. Obedience to the "faithful slave". (Huh???!!!)

    10. Other (please detail)

    So once again we'll be keenly anticipating your insights, so get posting those replies. Oh, and don't forget......


    Cheers, Ozzie

  • Englishman

    Sounds like a dose of the clapp to me!


  • ozziepost

    Sometimes they're clapped out, old son!!

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    It's just an old schoolboy trick, like getting a group to point at nothing in the sky, until half the school is looking and pointing. The same kids who do that start the clapping after the prayer just to watch everyone else following them like sheep. It gives them a sense of power and mind control.

    What most of them haven't realised yet........

    ...... is that it is much more fun to do it before it finishes.

  • blondie

    10. I don't think they have always done this. When JWs who had gone to international assemblies in Poland, etc., and returned to their home countries they told others how they had clapped after the final prayer on the last day. They started clapping at the home conventions and other JWs just followed along. It was supposed to be an indication of being part of an international brotherhood (see #1).

    I never clapped as it seemed like a monkey see--monkey do thing.

    Side point: remember how speakers would pause at certain points in a talk expecting the audience to "spontaneously" clap? What a crock! I never clapped then either.

    g94 5/8 p. 19 Chile?Unique Country, Unique Convention/A Colorful Farewell

    The weather had been excellent all through the week. This was, after all, the Chilean springtime, when no rain is expected. Sunday saw the temperature rise into the 80?s. Nearly every family brought umbrellas and parasols as a protection against the blazing sun. The thousands of colorful parasols reminded one of a host of butterflies posing on flowers. The final talk concluded at about five o?clock. After the song and prayer, hardly anyone moved. Nobody wanted the convention to end. Groups broke into spontaneous singing of Kingdom songs; waves of applause spread from one end of the stadium to the other; handkerchiefs were waved and parasols twirled in unison. It was a moving scene?this stadium with its backdrop of the Andes Mountains?full of happy, loving Christians grateful for the "Divine Teaching" that had changed their lives.


  • Mulan

    For me it was part appreciation and part "thank God it's over".

  • Lehaa

    #3. So happy it was over for anther year.

    I never clapped was too busy getting all our stuff together so we could high tail it out of there.

    This reminds me of something funny my son did after one CA.

    After the final prayer he asked me quite loudly ."Mummy is it finished now, can we go home?" ,"Yes I replied", "And do we have to come back tomorrow?" he asked, "No" i replied. " Good" he said. I thought it was hilarous. The elderly sister that was sitting behind us leaned over and said to me "Out of the mouths of babes, he's just saying what we're all thinking" I LMAO, kept me smiling all the way home.

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