Eureka!! I think my whole issue with the JW's is summed up in the following opininon: The JW's hold other religious organizations to their own set of standards. Yet, the witnesses can't live up to their "standards" either. For example, they claim that when the Catholic priests, (their favorite target), say "it's a mystery of God", it just shows their lack of knowledge and spirit direction from God. Yet, when they can't answer a question, or know something is not right scriptually, they say, "wait on Jehovah".
This is hypocracy to it's finest.
"Noah was a drunk and look what he accomplished." The Metatron/Dogma
Hello my fellow Yahooer!!! good to have you on board, YAHOOOO!!!
"I'm gonna wash that borg right out of my hair,I'm gonna wash that borg right out of my hair,I'm gonna wash that borg right out of my hair, and send it on it's way"
Jehovah’s witnesses in many lands demand freedom of speech and religious tolerance. Once they have it what do they do with it? Do they practice freedom of speech and religious tolerance?