Does anyone remember the program in the late 70's early 80s that called for children of JWs who tho unbaptised did things they felt merited Dfing to be treated "as Disfellowshipped"? Perhaps some with the references could post material. A lot of Elders including my father had a problem with it but enforced it nontheless. One of my best friends growing up was dragged before a judicial committee at 12-13 y.o. and found to be 'unrepentant'. The result was an announcment that he was to be treated "as disfellowshipped". This meant exactly the same treatment as if he was a member of the congregation. I don't know what the issue was but his parents claim he was very contrite and confused. I can only imagine the trauma to this and hundreds of other children this heinous policy caused. I have just found out where he is living and that he is out for good. I'm going to try to apologize for my part in ruining his youth.
The policy was eventually scrapped as a result of so much dissent from the local elders, but think of the Orwellian minds that dreamt it up to begin with.