I am not a JW, but my future husband is. WE don't broach the subject much of religion, as it only causes arguments, as we see things differently. I would like to know the JW views on sex before marriage, and contraception. Thanks. I feel compelled to add that we do not intend on having sex before marriage, but we have done so in other relationships.
Sex before marriage and contraception.
by inquiringmind 6 Replies latest social relationships
The JW view on sex before marriage is that it is forbidden. Doesn't mean it never happens, but when it does the JW is breaking the rules and if they get caught they will be disfellowshipped in all likelihood.
As Seeker has pointed out, sex before marriage is definitely forbidden. As a matter of fact, any sort of intimacy before marriage is considered "loose conduct" and is a cause for judicial committee action. Depending on the elders involved, this could be anything from french kissing and/or heavy petting, to something as innocent as kissing or touching in public.
The rules on contraception vary from time to time, and I'm not sure what the latest stance is on things. Generally, birth control is acceptable, however. I think that at this point in time, vasectomies would result in a brother having all "privileges" in the congregation removed. Since a female JW has no "privileges" in the congregation to begin with, there would be no consequences (that I am aware of) that would be visited on her if she should have a tubal ligation.
You should check on this, however, since "new light" results in much flip-flopping of beliefs (sometimes within a couple of months' time) and what was allowed/disallowed several years ago might be completely different now--or changed within a month or two.
I know as for the contraception every thing is up to your conscience except things like the morning after pill.
I remember an article about contraception that states that things like IUD or anything that might terminate a pregnancy even after seconds of conception is frowned on...but then again who's business is it anyways is my view.
What are you planning on doing about your children and in which religion they are to be raised? You must realize by now that the JWs aren't just another Christian religion, don't you?
Your boyfriend isn't even supposed to be seeing anyone outside his exclusivistic little cult, don't you know that?
The JWs are a cult; a cult by any and all defintion. And once the bloom is off the rose - as it always is after a year or two - and you realize just how destructive and divisive the JWs are AND that your husband wants to, insists on, raising your children in his cult, how are you gonna feel about it? Especiallly since you two can't even speak about it now without arguing (Fill in the blank: HE - "Honey, I'm taking Jimmy to the Kingdom Hall and prepare him for baptism into my cult so that he can despise you for not being in it with us. What do you think?" YOU - "Say what? Let me tell you one thing, you ________________."
I have a bad feeling about this.
My $0.02
What is sex?
... also, if your husband had a vasectomy as a form of birth control then he would never be able to hold a position of responsibility in the 'church' (I kid you not!)