Now i have been reading about the WTS association with the UN and trying to gain a better perspective to what happened. Im a little confused as to what their wrong doing was really? I can understand its hypocritcal for them to associate with a political organization BUT they claim it was just for research purposes and if thats the case what other option did they have? And what UN propaganda was distributed by the Borg cuz i cannot recall any (unless they were subliminal?) I am just not clear as to how deep their association got..I mean the library is lets say a federal insitution but we are still allowed to have library cards correct (or a JW is) Trust me i am in no way looking for defense on their behalf, nor am i ever going back im just not clear on this particular point. Can anyone answer this for me
The UN Debacle
by betty boop 8 Replies latest jw friends
If a JW were to join the YMCA to use the fitness equipment, they would be promptly DFed.
If the WTS joins the UN and signs a statement vowing to support the UN and all it stands for (The "wild beast" and "unclean thing which is not to be touched" in Revelations) to access a library... it's all ok.
Double standard? Yes!
betty boop
LOL. you got that right..but i didnt know you'd get df'd for joining the Y..thats nuts!
In my rural area there really wasn't much to do and the only place to play raquetball was the YMCA 30 minutes away. I was personally counselled along with others for simply visiting as a guest, not even becoming a member. The UN debacle is just another example of how ridiculous the WT is, nitpicking at everything members do but totally ignoring their own blunders. Everyday as a witness, especially if you are a JW kid, you live in constant fear that you may be breaking some WT rule or upsetting God, yet some of the highest officials can simply sign the WT up as a NGO just because they can continue to use the library at the UN or so they claim.
If there really was nothing wrong with their joining the UN as an NGO, then why did they cancel their membership as soon as knowledge became public? The requirements for membership have not changes since the WTS first signed up.
Why have they not continued their association?
Because the WTS knows they were caught with their pants down.
The Thinker
Read the Letter straight from the UN Web site, its still there. It says "By accepting association with DPI, the organisation agreed to meet criteria for association, including support and repect of the principles of the Charter of the United Nations .... " Now, unless you are new to the Watchtower, you will know that they have ALLWAYS claimed that the UN is the image of the wild beast and anyone having anything to do with it will have the mark of the wild beast. Now in this case, they have either lied to the UN about their Motives and have no intention to uphold the UN Charter or they have lied to the Rank & File, either case, they have lied to someone big time !
**I can understand its hypocritcal for them to associate with a political organization BUT they claim it was just for research purposes and if thats the case what other option did they have?
For many, many years, the WTS publications were filled with scathing remarks about the UN and how it was to be viewed. It was called disgusting on any number of occasions. In "study" articles and books, the UN was sneered at and the Roman Catholics were looked down on because of having an association with the UN.
Then the news comes out that the WTS had registered with the UN, secretly (nobody ever knew they had done it) and when this was exposed---the WTS (cough) resigned from their membership. It SURE looked fishy, from every angle.
Later, when JWs began to hear of this escapade, the WTS offered the "explanation" that it needed a library card! The UN said that no one NEEDED a library card to use their library facilities!
Whatever the WTS tries to say to excuse's ALL nonsense! The way it has always spoken about the UN and taught the JWs how to see it, there would BE no reason to justify signing up---at all!
Would the WTS send the same "signers" to a Casino to gamble a few thousand dollars---just to see how it works"? Would they send them to a video store to rent an evening's worth of pornographic movies---to "research" the effects of the porn on the human body? The principle is the same.
My boys couldn't join the Cub Scouts ot 4-H when they were small, or my girls weren't allowed to join the Brownies--because the WTS said no, Jehovah wouldn't approve--- but THEY feel that it's okay to join the UN to "use that library"? Hypocrites!
**I am just not clear as to how deep their association got..I mean the library is lets say a federal insitution but we are still allowed to have library cards correct (or a JW is)
WE'LL never know how deep their association was either---because from the moment that they were found out--they have lied and skirted around the "facts" surrounding this.
There is nothing wrong with obtaining a library card---it is just WHERE the WTS decided that they had to HAVE one---and saw fit to LIE about it---was in question.
The Thinker
I am sure that being able to fly the UN banner would make it much easier to enter into countries like Africa and Russia under the pretense of "Human Rights", of course once they convince the Goverments and get there approval to enter the country they drop the UN flag and start flying there own flag, which means they didn't care about Human Rights, they just want to make more converts.
And if "freedom of religion" is a human right they certainly want it, but they don't grant it to others.