Update: Watchtower plan facing list of fixes.

by Blueblades 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • Blueblades

    MEMO To Jehovah's Witnesses officials:

    If you build it, they will come, but some improvements to the surrounding neighborhood couldn't hurt.

    Community support for plans by religious officials to build a massive residential complex for their members in DUMBO hinges on whether the group agrees to improve the local subway station, streets and parks, sources said.

    "Their expansion of the neighborhood will tax its infrastructure, and therefore I think it's incumbent on them to improve it commensurately," said Councilman David Yassky ( D - Brooklyn Heights ).

    But community groups want more than what the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society -- the business entity of the Jehovah's Witnesses -- is offering. Yassky and the DUMBO Neighborhood Association are asking them to pay for renovating the York St. subway station, local streets and a rundown park beneath the Manhattan Bridge. But the group is only offering to fix up the park, said spokesman Richard Devine.

    "We think the change in zoning and our application has a lot of merit in and of itself," Devine said.

    Nancy Webster, president of the DUMBO Neighborhood association, said all the improvements are needed because the Watchtower plan doesn't allow for street - level retail shops along the perimeter of their complex -- and that would diminish the neighborhood.

    "In good urban planning, you want active uses for the street, things that draw people to the area," Webster said.

    The Jehovah's Witnesess' proposal for the three - acre parcel at 85 Jay St. includes four residential towers -- rising 14, 16, 18 and 20 stories -- with about 1,000 apartments. Plans also call for a three story assembly hall, a 1,100 car underground parking garage.

    The flagship building could be completed by 2006 and would bring about 1,800 members to DUNBO, said Devine.

    The Watchtower bid got a boost last week when a Community Board 2 land - use subcommitee voted in favor of it. The entire board will vote Wednesday.

    After that, the plan goes before the borough president, the city Planning Commission and the City Council.

    And while the DUMBO civic group is seeking benefits for the neighborhood, members of the other community affected by the proposal, Vinegar Hill, are still "unanimously opposed" to the project, said Nicolas Evans - Cato, president of the Vinegar Hill Neighborhood Association.

    "A project of this scale could set a very dangerous precedent for new buildings in this area,"Evans - Cato said.

  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    The WT$ real estate racket has some really long term investments for an apocalyptic cult.

    This quote is from todays paper regarding future conventions:{ The convention, which draws Witnesses from Indiana, Illinois and Kentucky, unofficially has scheduled a return to Evansville through 2009. }

    Luke 21:34-36 :: The Message (MSG) [The message one of my fav translations] Luke 21
    34 "But be on your guard. Don't let the sharp edge of your expectation get dulled by parties and drinking and shopping. Otherwise, that Day is going to take you by complete surprise, spring on you suddenly like a trap, 35 for it's going to come on everyone, everywhere, at once. 36 So, whatever you do, don't go to sleep at the switch. Pray constantly that you will have the strength and wits to make it through everything that's coming and end up on your feet before the Son of Man."

    Hello! How many times has the borg hurled the above exhortation to it's subjects?

    ยป Theologically,Jehovah's Witnesses are a cult of Christianity.The oppressive organization does not represent historical, Biblical Christianity in any way. Sociologically, it is a destructive cult whose false teachings frequently result in spiritual and psychological abuse, as well as needless deaths.

  • No Apologies
    No Apologies

    Are the R&F at all aware of the Society's construction plans? If so, how is it being spun? Most of them are aware that all the printing operations have left Brooklyn. If I were a average dub, I think I would be wondering what the purpose of all this expansion in Brooklyn is intended for. Wait, an average dub wouldn't have the thought process to wonder....

    No Apologies

  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    Watchtower Memorial$ Tombstone How the Jehovah's Witnesses faithful can really attain unity in paradise. http://www.pleasanthillcemetery.ca/ click for example. The WT$ should invest in the JW burial business as 6 million JW's [who are not going to heaven] are going to need a final resting place as they die off in this system. Just think, actual togetherness,brotherhood and unity forever. Tombstone

  • Sunspot

    **And while the DUMBO civic group is seeking benefits for the neighborhood, members of the other community affected by the proposal, Vinegar Hill, are still "unanimously opposed" to the project, said Nicolas Evans - Cato, president of the Vinegar Hill Neighborhood Association.

    Let's hope they have enough pull to put a lot of pressure on the dear old WTS. As far as wanting to attract people to the area, you can forget THAT. The only people the WTS wants to attract is JWs going to assemblies---they don't give a fig about what the city wants, or needs.

  • Elsewhere

    I bet the WTS will resolve this by "donating" a very expensive "gift" to someone or some organization... the same way they got the Paterson deal to go through. In Paterson the WTS gave the city a shinny new fire truck and all of the sudden all of the red tape disappeared.

  • wannaexit

    Are the R&F at all aware of the Society's construction plans?

    The R&F are in la-la land when it comes to the society's financial plans. The rumor around here is that the governing body is sensing that the end is very near and that the society will be simplifying its operations.

    Meanwhile behind their backs (as usual) they are planning projects that will take years to complete.

    Makes me sick.


  • czarofmischief

    Sensing that the end is very near?

    You better believe it - they ain't gonna see seventy again...


  • stillajwexelder

    They could make a huge amount of money on this project so you would think the ycould at least spend some money in the community - they would probably rise about 100 fold in peoples opinions of them if they did soem good for the community - i doubt they will - but if they did - it will be broadcast from the Watchtower, The Awake and letters To All Congregations in The United States

  • Sunspot

    **They could make a huge amount of money on this project so you would think the ycould at least spend some money in the community - they would probably rise about 100 fold in peoples opinions of them if they did soem good for the community - i doubt they will - but if they did - it will be broadcast from the Watchtower, The Awake and letters To All Congregations in The United States

    Not to mention any Media they could get to print it! (The very same media that lies about and persecutes them)

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