The problem is not being single it is privacy. As a single jw I know I don't have any privacy. Before I can decide to eye a sister people are paring you up or shewing you away.
Then once you are out of the "bloom of youth" the real passion to be with the opposite sex deminishes. It becomes a waste of time. To look good as a perspective mate you have be "spiritual" and have money or power in the hall. This means you have to go to college celibate and pissed then try to find a job that fits into your jw schedule. Other wise youll have to marry a sister with baggage. You can get married as a teenager which is fun but sucks when you have to pay the rent and for diapers at 19 because jws know Jack about contraception.
Which basically means you will marry a non jw if you are the average guy then due to the powers that be leave the JWs. Or you can exploit the system and groom a sister/ seduce a brother 15+ years younger/older than you.
If I have to do it over again I may have gotten married out of high school and full well know it would fall apart. Because jwism tends to breed celibacy or stupidity. If you dont want to live livida loca then you basically stuck enjoying sneaking to r rated movies or late night cable tv and the spam emails from women with exotic sounding names asking you about their webcam. Mean while you grow farther from your goal of procuring a real mate. One that actually want to have sex with you regularly. While you pay to Jehovah you won end up like your parents cold married and sleeping in different rooms for the last 15 years, or your divorced friend celibate for 20 after a failed marriage and fighting the prostate time bomb (impotence) in his new marriage one.
Oh and about paul upon further research he was not "anti sex" as much as a jew trying not to offend roman sensibilities. Most of the things he cited were laws that he was admonishing the christians not to break. Contray to poplular belief roman on roman homosexuality was illegal so was adultry.