Request for some advice pls.

by Mr Angry 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mr Angry
    Mr Angry

    A request for some advice pls.

    Firstly, a bit of background.

    My mother raised my younger brother and I in “the truth”. She did so alone until she remarried in the early 80’s. My stepfather was a dyed in the wool dub who never varied from the party line. Never. Every minor transgression that my brother and I were involved in was subject to a discussion of how it contravened some trivial Watchtower regulation or other. Followed by a beating usually. He was like this to the point of obsession. He was made an elder in 1985 and this just made him worse. The kind of person who is critical to the continuation of the system that the Watchtower needs in its present form. In my opinion he was a nasty vindictive bastard of a man who was not fit to have children in his care.

    For example he used to say things like: “It’s not what you did, it’s the fact that you lied about it that is wrong, it doesn’t matter what the “crime” is.” He was always going on about the need not to lie by omission. Hiding things that would not otherwise come to light. Days or weeks after the event. This was followed by being shown numerous articles about being truthful from the Watchtower or some other society publication.
    Which is a fair enough point if a) you consistently try to teach your child the need to always be truthful, and b) you practice what you preach.

    I think you see what I’m getting at in the paragraph above.

    So the other day my mother is on the phone to me. She is discussing trivialities and I sense there is something more she wants to tell me. It transpires that my stepfather some 35 years ago, before he was a JW, fathered a daughter with his soon to be first wife. They were both 16 at the time and things being as they were in Britain in the early 60’s the child was taken from them and put up for adoption. They never saw the child again. My stepfather's ex wife at some point last year decided to seek out her daughter. She employed a detective agency and to cut a long story short the daughter was tracked down and re-united with her mother. Of course one of the first questions asked by the daughter was “Where is my father now?” (My stepfather’s ex-wife and family are not and never have been involved with the JW’s)

    Now I am not moralizing here, I pass no judgement on my step-father for this incident, but it is what follows that makes my blood boil because of his sheer damned hypocrisy.

    Recently my mother and stepfather were asked to come to my grandmother’s house in somewhat mysterious circumstances. They arrived to be greeted not only by my Grandmother but an unknown 35-year-old woman who identified herself as the daughter.

    My mother on the phone to me nearly in tears states: “It’s not that he fathered a girl before I knew him that hurts. It is that he kept it from me for 20 years. I asked him in 1980 before we were married if there was anything in his past that I would need to know about.” At that time he categorically said no. It also transpires that he has asked my mother or my self and 2 brothers not to let the matter be known any further. He said “…especially not at the Kingdom Hall”

    Basically HE LIED BY OMISSION.

    My 2 brothers and I are in agreement that whilst we don’t give a toss about him fathering a child 35 years ago, we are LIVID that someone who had the gall to berate the 3 of us for offenses nowhere near that. That someone who has sat on Judicial Committees and counseled people about telling the truth at all times has himself covered up for 20 years something he was clearly asked about.

    So why am I writing this?

    1. Firstly because putting it down on the screen in front of me has calmed me down somewhat. My poor mother labours under the misapprehension that all elders are good and cannot comprehend how one who is her husband can be deceitful like this. (Yes she is that blinkered).
    2. I am curious what the dub position on this kind of thing is. Do any of you better informed people out there know if he is/could be subject to a judicial hearing? Is he fit to continue as an elder, by their standards?
    3. My motivation. To some reading this it might all seem so irrelevant and in the past. A fuss over nothing. But from a personal point of view I am absolutely raging that all the times I got a bollocking from him in the name of that bloody religion, he was sitting there quite happily covering up a secret, that for example had I been covering, he would have thrashed me within an inch of my life. My stepfather was no stranger to physical discipline.

    So I would like nothing more than to drop him in it. To see him finally get a taste of his own medicine.

    But am I being reasonable? Should I be this nasty or just let it lie? My brother is all for making an anonymous phone call to another of the local elders, but I don’t know what the fall-out would be. I don’t know if I’ve got it in me to be as nasty to him as he was to me.

    Any advice?

    Mr. Angry

  • Maximus

    ...bringing this upward on the board ...

  • voltaire

    Don't appologize for the need to air your feelings! That is the great value of this board.
    Unfortunately, the society provides little or no avenue for the discussion of some
    topics, which leads to a lot of pent-up anger and frustration.

    If your step-father committed a transgression before becoming a witness, there is
    little likelihood of his receiving any organizational discipline over the matter. Even if he
    had been a witness, there is generally a "statute of limitations." It's a rather vague one,
    but twenty or more years ago would surely be off-limits, unless it were a particularly
    scandolous sin.(Anything consentual(sp?) would probably not qualify) The questions elders
    were once asked to consider when reviewing a case of wrongdoing by a brother that
    took place many years ago were(paraphrased):

    1 Has he/she repented of the misconduct?(An obvious implication is that it is no longer taking place)
    2 Does he/she show evidence of Jehovah's blessing/have a clean conscience?(This is a classic!
    If the person has no conscience, he can more easily sweep the conduct under the "mental rug".
    For those who are truly sensitive, they are more likely to be seen as needing discipline)
    3 Has he/she hurt anyone by the conduct? (A child molester would be more likely to be disciplined
    than someone who participated in a consentual(sp?) act. That is, if the child molester confesses.)
    There is a chance that, if enough bad publicity were generated, he would feel compelled to give up
    his priveleges. Or the elders might force it on him.

    I wouldn't encourage you to act on any bitter feelings, though. If you truly feel you would feel better
    by seeing him exposed, maybe it would be worth the effort. Otherwise it might be best for your
    psychological health to let it go. Talk to a trusted friend or counselor about it first. And keep coming
    here. It helps to exchange ideas with others who have shared experiences.

  • trevor

    Mr Angry,

    Some things can never be resolved. The memory of the way your step father treated you, will never fully leave your emotions.

    Why not put down your complaint in writing and send it to him. Ask for an explanation and an apology. You are unlikely to get it but perhaps it is time to challenge him. Bullies are usually cowardly when confronted by children that have grown into men.

  • ros

    Dear Mr. Angry:

    Many of us here can certainly sympathesize most sincerely with your feelings and frustration. You might find a good example of the WT religion's position on this kind of thing revealed in a post on SilentLamb's website.

    On that site you will find the confession of a former JW elder who tells about one man in his former congregation who confessed to have committed murders prior to becoming a Witness. The elder inquired from others and the Society whether he should report this knowledge to the authorities. They said no.

    In all likelihood, the elders in your stepfather's congregation would regard anything you tell them as "gossip" and would do nothing whatsoever about it.

  • waiting


    In the usa, there's an old saying "do as I say, not as I do." It's guaranteed to make the recipiant of this saying angry as it's hypocritical as hell. My father and mother (not jw's) lived by this saying - and I, along with my siblings, grew to hate it.

    But kids can only do so much - but we tend to remember with anger at what our parents put us through, especially when we find out that they were no better than us, and sometimes much worse.

    I understand your anger and frustration. Imho, if you confront your stepdad, he'll do the fatherly/elderly two-step, which means he'll think it's not pertinent to how he raised you, and besides, he wasn't a jw at the time.

    But the confrontation might do you a lot of good - get it out of your system.

    Take care.


  • Francois

    I am in favor of you doing what will be the best for you.

    I don't give a rat's ass about what the society's policy or rules, if any, have to do with this situation.

    Not interested in what anyone's "moral or ethical" objections might be.

    Don't care if nothing upbuilding is accomplished for him.

    Having been raised in a totally dysfunctional family that 'til this very day is sick, sick, sick, I'm in favor of you doing exactly whatever it is that will address your own private, personal emotional needs in this situation.

    I finally had the confrontation that I so desperately needed with my abuser when I reached 43 years of age. And what a confrontation it was. Face-to-face demonstrated to him that he was a coward. Then followed it up with a 17-page, legal size, single-spaced typed letter detailing his treatment of his family, of its most helpless and defenseless members, how he hurt me then, how it felt then, how it had affected my life then, and how it affected my life as an adult up to that point, and on and on and on. Then refused to speak to him for ten years.

    It was the best thing I ever did for my own psychological well-being. The release was terrific. Can't describe what it was like. But it was positive. Very positive. And I couldn't care less what anyone thinks about it. They weren't there. They don't know. I do.

    If you want to get together with him one-on-one, go for it. Both you and your brother at the same time might deterioriate into three people talking, or yelling, at the same time. But if that's the format you like best, do it.

    If you want to expose his hypocrisy, I'm with you. You know, the only thing that Jesus got angry about was the hypocrisy of the money-changers in the temple. If hypocrisy makes Jesus loose his cool, it's OK for you too. Do it. I would. And I hope you will report what you do here, so I can applaud you for it.


    My $0.02

  • Thirdson

    Dear Angry,

    I doubt if you can "drop him in it". The statute of limitations Watchtowerwise is only two years, so if he gives "evidence of being blessed" the other elders won't take any action. So what he isn't entirely honest and he says "don't do as I do, do as I say". Isn't that all about the WTS and elders?

    However, I think you can do much, much, more by talking to the man yourself. Go over the way you were treated and bring to light all those Watchtowers about truth telling and get this in the open, get it off your chest and have a serious discussion. If you have never had the chance to express your feelings about your treatment now is the time. You might make more of impact by being open and honest now rather than resorting to "tell-telling" at the KH.



    'To avoid criticism, say nothing, do nothing, be nothing'

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