Meet-up last night

by Lehaa 2 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Lehaa

    I went to the meet-up in Melbourne and had a great time.

    We ended up going to a bar. We found a quite booth and just sat talking for hours.

    Was great, met 4 new people and exchanged mobile numbers with a few.

    Took some photos but only Prisca agreed to having her photo posted here.

    Really looking forward to the next one.

    How did everyone elses meetups go.

  • Stephanus

    Hey, great to hear it went so well!

    How'd you get on with all the others?

    I see Prisca's looking as succulent as always!

  • Lehaa

    Got along really well with the others, one of the women ther was a bit intense but was understandable, had a lot of horrible stuff done to her in the past.

    Prisca is doing really well, we stayed around the longest and then once the others left we went to the movies together. Was great.

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