Actions I regret

by Free2Bme 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • Free2Bme

    I don't know about you but there are a lot of things I regret doing as a Witness that I really would like to apologise to the people concerned.
    To my brother FlabbyCabby who is a newbie to this forum I'd like to say sorry for following the elders advice and telling you you were not welcome over my doorstep. You were in a terrible state having just being disfellowshipped ,finished with your wife, estranged yourself from your baby son and a few days earlier had taken an overdose in my flat where you were staying as you were homeless. I had received a visit from the elders. It wasn't a judicial more of a stop what you're doing or else visits. Their compassion for you who they all knew from infancy was absolutely nil.Their empathy for me was non-existant.
    I can't change what I did to you and I know you do not hold it against me but I want to say publically I am sorry and wish I had seen how un-christian that action was.

    If by some miracle you are part of this forum and recognise yourself as I feel it is wrong to reveal your identity without permission JT I want to say sorry to you also.
    JT was a married man who fell for a close friend of mine. He was a rep in the supermarket where a lot of JW's had part-time jobs. To cut a long story short poor JT found out his wife was having an affair and as he had feelings for the witness girl he seperated from her and studying with JW's hoping to reach baptism and be able to marry the sister eventually. The young sister was very happy though it was difficult as they were not allowed to see eachother at all but sent letters and cards etc. JT's study was going great and he was excited about the truth .During this period of quite a few months I developed a close friendship with him. Things came to a head when my sister friend decided her feelings had changed and JT was devastated.He continued studying and was in contact with me frequently by phone and sometimes I joined him for coffee. Our friendship became close enough for him to give me a gold chain as a token of buddydom.
    Finally JT reached a decision about JW's that he felt unabe to go on. He was lonely and had started seeing a lady in the world.
    So did I treat my friend of over a year with love and understanding?
    Of course not.
    I followed JW policy to the letter.Suddenly he was bad association and worse than a worldly person cos he had not accepted the truth.
    I stopped calling him though it was my turn and he would reproach me sounding rather puzzled at how guarded I suddenly was. I bumped into him making a rare visit to the supermarket and was his usual bubbly self dying to share a joke. I was stand-offish and cool. I made sure he got the message.
    That was a long time ago but I often wondered what became of him. He may have become a Witness years later but I don't think so. I doubt my attitude to him helped. Sorry Sorry Sorry J you were a lovely guy and I hope you are happy whatever you are doing now.

    If only they were the only persons I hurt or snubbed. How many times as a Witness would I cross the road to avoid an inactive one? Where was the christianity in that. But the brainwashing had worked so well. All not for us were against us. God's enemies and despised by us. I shunned the DF'd out of duty to God. Now I can see how unlike Jesus' example that was.
    So I'd like to add a general apology to all those shunned ones and I certainly have had a taste of my own medicine if that's any consolation lol.

    Got that off my chest!!!


  • wasasister

    I posted a long letter about this previously, so I won't go over the details again....but....

    I regret caving in to the elders in two congregations when they were trying to railroad the mouthy husband of a good friend of mine. He didn't know how to play politics and ran afoul of elders in both halls. I was dragged in to "testify" against him and although I knew the elders were just trying to cover their own asses, I knew I had to agree with them to save our family "status". I told myself Jehovah would work things out eventually, but in my heart I knew better.

    The man was an ass and probably had it coming, but that is no excuse for what they did to him, or my complicity. I'm sorry, TW.

    Oh, God, Free...what have you started here?

  • LadyBug


    I understand totally where your coming from. You are not the first, nor will you be the last to abide by the society's rules and shun so harshly those we were close to as well as others.

    Personally I look back and remember many of the things I did as a witness and wonder how I could ever have done them. But I know the answer, most do. As you said

    I shunned the DF'd out of duty to God
    and because
    the brainwashing had worked so well
    but also because if we hadn't we too would have been shunned and that was unacceptable as we believed that we had the prospect of living forever in a wonderful world. To be shunned ourselves would have jeopardised that and in our eyes ruined our relationship with the "one true God".

    Fortunately many wake up one day and realise our "spiritual paradise" isn't so perfect after all. We can't change the past but we can sure work on the future.

    Don't beat yourself up about it, the indoctrination is very strong. Your friend knew the "rules" of the organisation and yes he may have been very hurt by your actions, but if he was involved long enough to be viewed as bad association then he understood. May not have liked it, but understood.

    Thats how I have viewed it. Whether I am right or wrong. Thats what I told myself about those I shunned. And if I every get shunned, well I'll understand why they are doing it. Won't like it by hey I'll be getting a taste of my own medicine Not that it would worry me other than members of my family. Although I have already told one important member of my family and I'm happy to say he accepted the information and said he agreed with most of what I said, and here I was stewing about how to say it, when and if I should. How easy was that one. But I deviate. Sorry.

    and I certainly have had a taste of my own medicine
    haven't most of us.

    Feeling for you.

  • peterstride

    I'm also guilty.

    As a faithfull "brainwashed" JW, the organization always came above personal friendships and family.

    At the time when someone needed help the most, we would turn our backs on them, justifying it in our mind that they were now baaaaad association.

    Our treatment of others, and especially if they were JWs that had fallen away from the "alleged truth", was very very inhumane while we were JWs. Nothing at all like the example set by Jesus.

    Actions I'll regret for the rest of my life,

    Peter Stride
    Toronto, Canada


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