Miya was born at 6:25 AM. 19 inches long, 6 pounds nine oz. When I can, I'll try to post a picture.
I'm a grandfather.
by JeffT 8 Replies latest jw friends
WOO HOO!!!! ~ Congratulations.
Just a good size. Welcome into this old world, Miya! It's not all that bad of a place.Looking forward to pics.
Congratulations, it is so great being a grandparent because you can always send them home.
CONGRATS!!! I'm a grandfather, at the ripe old age of 33. My grandson is 3 now. It's the best! (I have a 21 yr. old stepdaughter)...You'll have a great time spoilin' your grandkids.
Congratulations! Grandbabies are just the best! All the fun, none of the responsibility!
Crooked Lumpy Vessel
Congratulations!!! I am sure you have heard this already a hundred times over.
Isnt it wonderful to watch you family grow from children to granchildren. It is a wonderful feeling. What a wonderful cloud of happiness you must be floating on right now. I wish they could put the joy of birth in a pill form and whenever we got the blues we could feel like we do when the birth of a family member arrives.
franklin J
hope all are in good health and doing well.
Congradulations! I bet you cannot wait to hear that child say in a (kiddie lisp) Grandpa!
Ps. Coondawg! wow!
Excellent news Jeff! congrats!
District Overbeer