Bethel Ministries was the name I chose for my writing work and Newsletter starting in 1982, not long after I left Bethel WT headquarters. It was associated with a larger church locally called "Hope Chapel" and then by my own churhc years later. Then in 1991 I reorganized as a non-profit educational organization called Free Minds, Inc. which was not associated with a church or another organization. You can read more about it here:
What is Free Minds, Inc. all about?
We are...
...people who care about other people who are in authoritarian religions.
...networking with others who care.
...warning the public of cults and their deceptive recruiting techniques, and efforts to create fear and isolation in new recruits.
Randall Watters is the founder of Free Minds, Inc. (formerly Bethel Ministries) and has been engaged in the work of freeing people from the mind control bondage of cults for the last twenty years.
Randall was a Jehovah's Witness for eight years, from 1972 to 1980, and served as an elder and factory overseer at the Watchtower headquarters in Brooklyn, New York. He left the organization by way of resignation in 1980, became a Christian and served as a pastor for a number of years, most recently at the now-defunct Hope Chapel of West Manhattan. Leaving the pastorate and organizational ties to focus on cults and exit-counseling only, Randall formed Free Minds, Inc. as a non-profit educational organization in 1992, with the goal of educating the public about mind control and the danger of cults.
The purpose of FREE MINDS, INC. (a registered non-profit organization) is to educate the public about the methods that ALL cults use, and how to combat them. If you have a loved one or relative involved in a cult, or suspect they are, read on.
How do I know if a religious, political or psychological organization is a cult?
Cults use the following agenda:
Deception - The group's identity and/or their real motives are not revealed at first. The group's leaders tell members to withhold information about the group from outsiders.
Love Bombing - Cults offer instant friendship and acceptance. Recruiters will not take no for an answer without making you feel guilty or ungrateful. If you say yes, guilt and obligation will increasingly be used to lower your defenses.
Exploit Personal Crisis - Situations such as a broken relationship, death in the family, loss of job, recent move, and loneliness as well as depression are exploited.
Crisis Creation- The world around you and even other believers are seen in a darker light, or the end of the world is imminent, etc. You must be part of this group to be saved or healed.
Answers- The group has over-simplified answers to life's questions for every question you ask. Theirs are the ONLY answers.
Intense Study - The focus is on group writings and doctrine. The Bible, if used, is quoted selectively but out of context.
Warnings - Recruits are told that Satan will cause relatives and friends to say bad things about the group. Recruits soon trust only group members.
Guilt and Fear - Groups focuses on individual's sinful nature and the need to purge the old personality.
Schedule Control, Fatigue - Study and service to group are mandatory, taking up almost all the time of the new member, making them too busy to question or to listen to others. Family, friends, jobs and hobbies are squeezed out, further isolating the new member.
Attack Independent Thought - Critical thinking is discouraged as prideful and sinful. Blind acceptance is encouraged.
Divine Commission - Group leader(s) claim new revelations from God, and that they are God's sole spokesmen to mankind today.
Black and White Mentality - All issues have simple answers, and require unquestioning obedience to the group. "Us against them" thinking strengthens group identity. Everyone outside of the group is labeled as weak or misled.
Motives Questioned - When sound evidence against the group is presented, members are taught
to question the motives of the presenter. What is verifiable is
ignored due to what is non-verifiable.
Information Control - Group controls what member may see or hear. Forbids contact with ex-members or anyone critical of the group.
Isolation and Alienation - Group becomes a substitute family and is taught that no others are needed, including natural family. Members may be told to quit school, leave home, give up sports, etc.
Coercion - Disobedience, including even minor disagreement with group doctrine will result in shunning and expulsion.
Phobias - Fear of the world and other people is magnified, as is fear of the devil or evil. Members are taught that something very bad will happen to them if they leave the group. No honorable way out of the group.
Striving - Group membership and service are essential for salvation. No matter what you do, it is never enough.
Dependency - Member adopts a childlike dependency on the group.
Personality Disorders - Depression, disorientation, anxiety, stress, neurotic or psychotic behavior and even suicidal tendencies may result.
Diminished Capacity - Members lose ability to think clearly and critically. Logical contradictions in doctrine have little or no impact on member.
Broken Relationships - Family and friends are cast aside.
Exploitation - Member is exploited financially, physically and/or mentally. May be manipulated into giving all possessions to group, leaving school or job to put in long hours selling literature or other items, providing low cost labor for the group, etc.
Why do group members:
- give up family, friends, school and careers?
- see their strange new lifestyle and behavior as being normal?
- fail to recognize manipulation by the group leaders?
- seem unaffected by proof of lies and contradictions in group doctrine?
- desperately avoid anything critical of the group?
Because they lack a free mind!
and my story at:
FREE MINDS, INC. is directed by Randall Watters, a former Jehovah's Witness and former Watchtower "Bethel elder" for a number of years (lived at their headquarters in Brooklyn, New York from 1974 to 1980), having served as a factory overseer there in charge of the printing press operations in the Bible department and also aided in engineering new printing technologies. In 1979 one of the greatest shakeups in the history of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society occurred, now known as the Franz Incident. The seventies were a time of relative freedom of thought within the Watchtower's inner circle of leadership, and many of us there at Bethel were meeting together to study the Bible apart from Watchtower publications, as part of an effort to draw closer to Jehovah and to better experience the Christian walk. Our goal was not to cause dissent, as many of us (myself included) were very happy with our jobs and our friends there, and in spite of current propaganda by the Watchtower, we were respectful of the leadership of the Governing Body. Word soon spread, however, that we were learning too much, and that it was contrary to Watchtower teachings, and rather than choosing to discuss or accommodate variant views publicly (although privately even the Governing Body shared many variant doctrinal views), the leadership became paranoid and initiated a policy of absolute information control, not allowing any discussion, public or private, that questioned their official doctrines or their authority as the "faithful and discreet slave" of Matthew chapter 24:45 in the Bible. Hence, Randall left the headquarters in 1980 and returned to California to continue his research. He was appointed as an elder in the El Segundo Congregation in 1980, but turned in a letter of resignation in early 1981 (much to the surprise of the Witnesses) after concluding his research. Word soon spread around Bethel that he was an "apostate," and more interrogation began at Bethel to make sure all of his former friends were not "tainted" with thoughts contrary to those of the Governing Body. (Randall had sent out copies of his letter of resignation to the individual members of the Governing Body, outlining the reasons why he was leaving.)
Randall did much research on the history and sociology of the Watchtower organization while still at the Bethel headquarters, as well as the history of the beginnings of the Christian Church in the first three centuries. This research led him to the conclusion that orthodox Christianity best represented the outworking of the Christian Church in terms of doctrine and practice. Randall served as a licensed pastor with Foursquare International for about eight years, and ministering to his own congregation for three years. After struggling with the issue of Biblical inerrancy in the early 90s, Randall decided to quit the pastorate and focus on educating the public regarding cults and authoritarian religions. Much material related to Protestant orthodoxy and doctrine is available through this web page (see Doctrinal Issues), and all of it represents conservative orthodoxy, since it is Randall's view that this best represents the outworking of Bible teaching. However, it is our opinion that the more primal and obvious reasons for cultic or sectarian bondage are emotional and psychological, hence the name change to Free Minds, Inc. and the more recent emphasis on the issues related to mind control, coercion and persuasion, etc.
It is our opinion that what constitutes a cult is the degree of deception and control mechanisms used by the leadership of any particular group, whether it be religious, political, or self-help related. (See Our Purpose.) It is not our purpose to judge others as to their lifestyle or their views. We are an information service, which although caters primarily to Christians, feels at ease in networking with the rest of the planet, believing that education and forum promotes the healthiest growth in our souls. If Christianity or any other views cannot tolerate criticism or debate, they are not worth their salt. There is no place for fear and superstition on this web page. If you are simply looking for reinforcement of your pre-existing views, thinking this is some sort of a club where you can rally together to present the "real truth" to the lost, you may be disappointed. God, together with the love He has put into our hearts, is in control of teaching us the things of the Spirit. Some of the other things, however, are left up to us. We welcome your comments and your criticism. Humor is much appreciated as well!