Is there a ?clergy/laity? distinction within the Watchtower?
All one has to do is turn to the writings of the ?faithful and discreet slave? to find the answer.
When referring to themselves, they lack not in the use of glowing terminology in the art of self-glorification.
For example:
*** w67 2/15 pp. 113-
With symbolic hair ?growing luxuriantly,? ?. Down to this year 1967, the ?faithful and discreet slave,? the anointed remnant of Jehovah?s witnesses, has served loyally in Jehovah?s strength, ?
*** w66 10/1 p. 607
The ?faithful and discreet slave? class, both in the days of the apostles and in modern times, has been faithfully carrying ?
*** w03 11/1 p.
We are thankful to Jehovah for making all these provisions available through ?the faithful and discreet slave.? ? How we love to express our gratitude ?
*** w64 6/15 p. 365 Jehovah, the God of Progressive Revelation ***
? Jehovah?s purposes ? revealed to Jehovah?s anointed ?clear evidence that they are the ones mentioned by Jesus when he foretold a ?faithful and discreet slave? class that would be used to dispense God?s progressive revelations in these last days. Of this class Jesus said: ?Truly I say to you, He will appoint him over all his belongings.??Matt. 24:47.
Now, how do the ?anointed? view the rest of Dubland.
Watchtower June 1, 2004 Page 17-18 par. 15 (next week's study)
Naturally, pioneers are appreciated by fellow Christians for their faithful service. But the fact that they spend more time in the ministry does not make them feel superior to their brothers and sisters. Rather, they cultivate the attitude encouraged by Jesus: ?We are good for nothing slaves. What we have done is what we ought to have done.? Luke 17:10
Supposedly, everything Jesus talked about was to be applied to the ?anointed? first, and then the ?lesser? Earthly class secondly.
Has the Watchtower ever applied Luke 17:10 to themselves? I think NOT! But they like to put dubs IN THEIR PLACE!
So, clearly, the attitude of the ?faithful and discreet? class toward the ?good for nothing class? is revealed as found in the following Watchtower article.
w60 4/1 pp. 208-209 Religious Attitudes When the Master Preached
10 The Hebrew expression am ha-arets means ?people of the earth [or, land]{or dub}.? (Jer. 1:18, marginal footnote) These people were treated like dirt under the feet of the Pharisees {anointed}, and, of course, the Sadducees {governing body} had nothing to do with them, because they looked down on everyone. The am ha-arets were poor laborers {at Bethel} who did not know the Law {Watchtower} or the traditions {Awake} or did not keep them. They did not recite the formal prayers {at Kingdom Halls}, have ritual fringes on their garments {Armani suits} or wear phylacteries {ties} at devotions {meetings}, nor did they train their sons in the traditions as did the scrupulous Jews. They were hated and outlawed from the community by the rabbis. One rabbi denied them all hope of a resurrection, and Rabbi Hillel said: ?No am ha-arets is truly religious.? A good Jew would not let his daughter marry one. Their view was: ?Let not a man associate with sinners even to bring them near to the Torah.? When the religionists objected to Jesus? associating with sinners, they doubtless included this class. {The ?good-for-nothing? class}