I should know better than to talk to my wife over religious matters.HOWEVER there was a news program that talked about infants and the need for blood during surgery.They stated that they tried not to give blood because of all the problems with transfusions... aids etc.
My wife turned to me and said"It's about time they figured it out because we all know MORE PERSONS are killed by blood transfusions than saved"
OH HELL...I had to take the bait...How do you know I asked???? The society has a blood video she replied. Did they really say more died than lived from taking blood ??? Yes she replied. Where did the get their information from I asked??? It doesn't matter...they wouuld not LIE LIE LIE to me. I have not watched the video. I think she is making this up in her own mind.They may have but you could not pay me to watch their CRAP.
Related to this my father...years ago stated to me "The medical doctors can not prove even one life has been saved by a blood transfusion"
I wonder where he got that idea from.They have since stuck to the idea that it is a religion based belief..not medical.
OH ..I had to tease her about Hemopure a little bit...She got all excited until I told her it was made from cow's blood.Then she said it would never happen...I will have to tease her again when the FDS approves it.