Please click link as I posted this in two places deliberately. We need solid advice from former Elders Moderators please don't erase one.
Help please....advice needed
by peacefulpete 6 Replies latest jw friends
I think Uzzah said it all on the other thread.I have served on numerous appeal committees and only in one case was the original decision overturned. That case was very seriously botched by the elders and the public were involved. The chances of an appeal working in your favor are slim to nil, though the elders will be forced to provide evidence of your 'apostasy'. They will meet with the appeal committee before your own meeting and explain why you were DF'd and why you are appealing. It appears to be a fair and tender arrangement, but the outcome is virtually pre-destined.
What has happened to you is very disconcerting, but the WTS has both the Law and the weaponry provided by the faithful JW's it has in its grip on its side. I believe a lawyer might suggest that in the circumstances, you have a right under law to care for your parents without encumberment, but they also cannot force your parents or your friends to talk to you.
Best regards - HS
Well, if you don't agree with the WTS 100%, you are considered at least somewhat "apostacy". If you want to be reconsidered as a clean jw, go and act like a die hard jw. Don't miss the meetings, go out in the field service everyday, and make lots and lots of comments at the studies. There.
But do you really want to be a jw?
I'm so sorry for what you and your wife are going through. I don't have advice for this particular situation, but I wanted to mention a helpful book.
I am currently reading Dr. Wayne Dyer's "Pulling Your Own Strings". It is for people who have or are being victimized. Your in-laws, as well as you and your wife, clearly are victims. You mentioned in the other post that your mother-in-law is taking anti-depressants as a result of this situation. YOU did not do this to your mother-in-law; it is her choice to believe these controlling men who are pointing a finger at you and your wife. I'm sorry that it seems to be "your fault"; people are upset and putting the blame on you. The big picture of this situation tells a different story: you are simply standing up for what you believe in. The other parties are reacting in the way they were taught. Everyone in this situation has a choice on how to behave or react....or judge for that matter. YOU have a right to stand up for what you believe (or not believe) in. Anyone who disagrees by pointing a finger is simply trying to get you to do what THEY want you to do.
You have more guts than most people in the organization.
Thanks for the kind comments. I think my final recourse is a memebership/baptism annulment. I don't hold out a lot of hope but it may result in them simply backing away to prevent public embarrassment. And they will get just that if they proceed, I promise.
We have changed our mind again, we're appealing. see other thread.
BTW a baptism annulment is called a disassociation. "Legaly" they are the same thing. Your baptism associates you with "gods spirit directed organization" The stuff they make you but in the DA letter is the inverse of the baptism questions.