Announced this week at service meetings: WTBTS has sold and will vacate 360 Furman (Brooklyn Heights NY) by early next year. Will be tranferring within Brooklyn complexes. Oh, and contributions will be appreciated for this project...
Furman Moving Sale
by ezekiel3 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Sure i will contribute, let's see where is that big pile of dog poop.
"Oh, and contributions will be appreciated for this project..." I wonder what moron will donate money to help the Society have a moving sale to sell its multimillion dollar building.
So lets see... since they made a sht load of money by selling the property they need donations to offset moving expenses.
Are they serious????
I had no idea that one?s head could go that far up one?s ass.
Elsewhere , we are talking the org. They never got their head out of their ass ,it's been there since their beginning.
The first thing that would come to my mind as an active witness, is "Why don't they use the money from the sale for whatever they think they need?"
They sure don't need my money. Not then, not now, not ever.
some schmucks will give them money, but probably not many.
I had no idea that one?s head could go that far up one?s ass.
Oh ye of little faith