Letter to my JW ex-girlfriend...

by Confucious 5 Replies latest social relationships

  • Confucious


    Still recovering from the Simon/Wuss wildfire I started. ;-)

    If we can get off politics for a while, I wanted to post this.

    My ex-girlfriend who is a JW asked me about going back to the meetings and all that.

    I'm posting this here in hopes it will help some of you who struggled with the same things I did...

    Here it is in part...

    Couple things about the congregation.

    When we sin, true repentance is shown by actions - not words.

    We know that.

    You ask any one of the XXXX Elders and they will tell you that they mishandled my case.

    They even said they are sorry.

    But to this day, I have applied not only the Bible's instructions for handling disagreements. But the Societies.

    Let me explain.

    I've been telling the XXXX Elders for years now, that I wanted my day in "theocratic" court with XXXX of XXXX cong.

    I followed every proceedure.

    I brought out the sin of his to XXXX himself. One on one.

    He didn't listen.

    I brought it out to that brother that gave a talk in the XXXX hall. You know, the day I had a talk with the brother outside the hall and XXXX thougth I was getting on his case about something else.

    He did nothing. And what I asked for, btw, is a sitdown with XXXX.

    He did nothing.

    I appealed to the C.O. the first time. He did nothing.

    I appealed to the XXXX Body of Elders. They did nothing.

    Finally, I appealed to the CO on a second occasion. It was that visit he went on an on about making the Organization a full-time career.

    Well I did that.

    I gave every waking moment of my 20's in the full time service.

    To put it in perspective. You are 22. Imagine having pioneered the last two years. And then pioneering for the next 8.

    On top of that, my wife also pioneered.

    It's hard enough doing it on your own.

    I did it with me AND my wife.

    All I asked for was a sitdown with me, the offending party (XXXX) and a spiritual third party - an elder or a C.O.

    As I swear you (and I hate to use that word, but it's the deepest word I know.)

    But as Jehovah is my witness. The C.O. told me, "I don't think so."

    To me, little matters except for one thing. My personal relationship with Jehovah and my Christ.

    And I do tell you this. Anyone who spends more than 15 minutes with me can judge that statement for themselves.

    One thing I realized from my studies. And I probably study the Bible and Jehovah's word more than 90 percent of the Kingdom Hall.

    I know that, because that's about all I do outside of work. I study. I read. I reflect on Jehovah's word daily.

    But one thing I learned. And I learned this ON MY OWN -

    Just about EVERY GREAT PROPHET or MAN in the Bible was a rebel. Or considered a rebel.

    NONE of them rebeled against God Jehovah himself.

    But they ALL rebelled against what was God's Organization at the time.

    If you don't believe me, do the research yourself.

    Jesus Christ did not rebel against Jehovah. But he did rebel against Jehovah's arrangment at the time. That arrangement being the Jewish life as represented by the Pharasees.

    Ezekiel rebelled against the Jewish system of things (which was Jehovah's Organization at the time). He exposed the APPOINTED MEN OF JEHOVAH'S SYSTEM OF THE TIME. He exposed the priests. Jehovah's priests of Jehovah's Organization.

    David rebelled against Jehovah's king at the time - Saul. Saul... Not only was Saul the representation of Jehovah's Kingdom on Earth. Saul WAS Jehovah's KING.

    The Apostle Paul rebelled against the Christian Congregation. So much so, that he told them - that it was NOT by human's that he given his ministry. But by the Word of God. The other elders in the Christian congregation were appointed by means of men in the congregation. Paul on the other hand, "came out of nowhere - so to speak." And because an appostled appointed by the Christ himself.


    It's interesting to note that NONE of these great men (not even Jesus Christ) set out to topple Jehovah's Organization.

    None of them did. Not even David.

    He let Jehovah do that.

    BUT, he did NOT hold back his words - even though his words were in comdemnation of what was wrong at the time.

    Rightfully, David (and his best friend Jonathan) stood on thei own principles and was not afraid in anyway of righteousness.

    Rather, they took as stand against things that were fundamentally wrong and were NOT ashamed or embarrassed to bring these wrongs to light.

    If I am wrong, (and I speak not of you). But if I am wrong. Show me I'm wrong.

    But if I am right, I will also not be afraid to do what is right.

    I am NOT willing to bend in my principles. Which I believe (and I feel indesputable from the above logic) to be the Christs principles.

    Standing up to Elders. Standing up to C.O.'s and telling them that they are shamefully wrong - is NOT a rebellion against the Christ.

    In fact, it is the opposite.

    It is revered by the living Christ.

    For HE TOO, endured criticism... "Why do heal on the Sabbath... Do you not know you are breaking the Sabbath law???"

    And that WAS the law. But the Christ felt it fit to overlook that law for the sake of REASONABLENESS. After all, his disciples were HUNGRY.

    What I say to you (not you - but a figure of speech.)

    But what I say to you is this.

    Do you shun me. Do you think I'm not spiritual because my long hair. Because of my I'm not afraid to speak my mind. Because my dress is not corporate America???

    But my response to them, is the same as the Christs. For he doesn't judge by means of outward appearances. For it is by the heart that he judges.

    All those great prophets in the Bible times - (and I am BY NO MEANS a prophet - but just an ADMIRER of them).

    But all those great prophets couldn't care less about outward appearances and what was the status quo.

    Rather, the only thing they cared about was their approval before God.

    What is greater. Tradition or the Bible?

    I know that's a childish question, because we all know the answer.

    But I am breaking from tradition for the sake of the Bible.

    I ask you respectfully...

    What is greater??

    A man that stands up for a principle that may be right or wrong.


    A man that follows the crowd, even though he KNOWS that something goes against his principles.

    Every single point that I made here, is of the Christ. It's from the Bible.

    It's the Organizational proceedures that set me apart from the congregation.

    Could you hear my voice??? And do you not know that I love the Christ. That I love my God Jehovah???

    Do you not see that I am stronger spiritual, mentally and emotionally than ever before??

    My thoughts, for the first time in a few years, is RIGHT ON THE MONEY.

    I am whole and complete.

    My am secure with my relationship with Jehovah. I'm secure with myself in every way.

    The only thing is, I'm an outcast in the congregation because I'm vocal in pointing out SERIOUS flaws within the congregation and the status quo of it.

    That, makes me weak in the congregation.

    But I tell you today. It makes me STRONG in Jehovah's eyes. I'm NOT serving man. And neither are my decisions based on man.

    Very sincerely,

  • doogie
    But they ALL rebelled against what was God's Organization at the time.

    i think that's a great point. no matter what the current earthly proceedures (traditions) are, God has historically 'backed' those that question things and as you said examine things with reasonableness. the whole point of the bible is that man can't rule himself (at least, that's what i see), and God makes that clear by dealing with people that are not afraid to point that fact out (one of the main reasons Jesus came was to DESTROY the mosaic law, right).

    i think your letter is great. very non-confrontational. good luck.

  • Carmel

    You left out some very important "prophets" that fit the catagory...Chrisna, Buddah, Zoroaster, Muhammed, Moses, The Bab and Baha'u'llah.


  • reddbone

    I totally feel your pain, but as I see it I serve Jehovah and only him, not the elders in my congregation,nor the co and his wife, Jehovah, and people are imperfect, and satan wants you to turn your back on Jehovah, so he uses people to get in the way of that. what ever you do dont stop serving him. I let people get in the my way also and I almost lost my faith and this was my own flesh and blood, but Im responsible for my own salvation and so are you.


  • Confucious

    Thank you guys...

    This really helped.


  • Maverick

    Interesting line of reasoning Con, but may I ask a few questions?

    This whole religious order is based on a lie so why would you expect them to honor truth?

    The WTS, as a whole, discredit Jesus and his Father, so why do you expect any of them to act in a manner contrary to that dishonor?

    Are you looking for validation, why look for it from a group whose whole purpose is to invalidate the individual and strip the personality from said individuals?

    Would not your life's energy be better served by walking away from this? They cannot let you win, they are so small and petty that they are incapable of concession. They would rather stubbornly embrace the lie than admit they are mistaken.

    I wish you peace, Mav

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