I was wondering if anybody knew if the Governing Body participates in the Door to Door work?I heard that they didn't, just curious.
Does anybody know?
by truthbeliever 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Some do, some don't
It's too much trouble, first you have to get them off life support, put a bib and diaper on them, prop em in a wheelchair and roll them around the heights. Just too much trouble.
Why should anyone go door to door?
Jesus stood on mounds and the people came to him....Acts 20:20 refers to believers visiting fellow believers.
"Door to door" is some thing made up for membership drives
Oh yeah, what aardvark said.
A witness, not long ago, posted on this very board how going door to door is 'scriptual'. I pulled out my bible and asked them to prove it. Poster quoted something in acts, or something... where, yes, Paul and others went door to door.
Problem was it was only the 'older men' of the congregation that did it and it was only one example, LOL! You see, they forget the context of the scripture.
Utterly baked.
The poster went running away like a dog with it's tail between it's legs. So much for proving they're standpoint. I shall never forget how the poster went on about 10 posts quoting other 'scriptures', while refusing to answer my original question. Take it one question at a time... NOT!
They try to get you off track by quoting lots of other garbage from they're publications.
Actually Paul did go door to door. He went in the front door and out the back!