Good enough .... are we?

by talesin 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • talesin

    A poem,


    Sometimes, is never quite enough

    If you're flawless, you can win my love

    Don't forget to win first place

    Don't forget to keep that smile on your face

    Be a good boy

    Try a little harder

    You've got to win first place

    Don't forget to keep that smile on your face

    How long before you screw it up

    How many times do I have to tell you to hurry up

    With everything I do for you

    The least you can do is keep quiet

    Be a good girl

    You've gotta try a little harder

    That simply wasn't good enough

    To make us proud

    I'll live through you

    I'll make you what I never was

    If you're the best, then maybe so am I

    Compared to him to compared to her

    I'm doing this for your own damn good

    You'll make up for what I blew

    What's the problem ... why are you crying

    Be a good boy

    Push a little farther, now

    To make us happy

    We' ll love you just the way you are if you're not perfect ...

    Who of us says we don't love Alanis Morissette? She speaks to me, that's all I can say ...

  • Satanus

    Very good.


  • gumby

    Stare at this in 3-D.


  • talesin


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    You are good enough

    Your effort is good enough

    And never forget that love ... real love never requires effort

    The child smiles expectantly and it is the parent that reflects kindness, goodness and love. You did good. Never forget. And never allow the child inside to think otherwise.


  • Rocko Polo
    Rocko Polo

    I have found that those who require most of others are the ones that require the least from themselves.

  • talesin

    S, I'm so glad you enjoyed it. ;)


    Bro, I can't see it cause of my damn puter and the virus that has crippled it! Oh, well, later I guess.


    Thanks, and I try to tell that little one, but s/he just won't listen. Maybe someday I'll get there. At least I hope so.

    Rocko Polo

    YES YES YES, that is so true.

    Self-righteous people are so focussed outwards, and not looking in the mirror, aren't they?

    Nice to meet you, by the way. :D

    Welcome to the board!

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