The WTS has said that you MUST be a JW in order to be approved by Jehovah for salvation.
The WTS says that any who leave their organization are considered as dead and that other members are not free to speak to or associate with them.
We simply can't rest our hopes on the claims of men for our salvation. The actions of the WTS has proven that thiey are *not* from God nor do they have His stamp of approval, except only in their own minds.
When one's inner heart of hearts shows you that what you may have thought is this "nation", no matter what they *claim* to be----you are forced to look "elsewhere" to find that nation.
When you pray for the Holy Spirit to guide you (which is a free gift but you ask for it to be in harmony with your dedication to GOD), and if you keep getting the answer that the WTS is *not* what you previously thought it to be, you don't want to go against the Holy Spirit by remaining where you *know* in your heart AND the "nudgings" from the Holy Spirit that you have asked to help you.
When you ask God for a good conscience, and do your utmost to live up to that plea, and through many years you discover that the "nation" you have attached yourself to is *not* what it claims to be OR that truly exhibits the love you had thought was there, or has misled you in the true teachings of Christ AND the bible......your bible-trained conscience tells you that this is not where you belong and you remove yourself from it.
We must not put our trust in MAN (men) as the Psalms point out, and must put our trust in the higher powers of God, Christ and the Holy Spirit to govern your thoughts---despite the claims of men to the contrary.
Any man (or group of men) who tell you that leaving their organization is the same as leaving God, or that you MUST be in THEIR organization to be approved by God---and that He now views you as dead---is wrong on every possible count. It is arrogant, haughty and blasphemous---to imagine that *they* can decide something of that magnitude.
God is perfect.
Christ is perfect.
The Holy Spirit is perfect.
The WTS has continually said that it is imperfect.
It relies heavily on that premise, as it trudges forth doing their "tacking" and revising their doctrines and policies, calling their teachings food from God---all the while demanding allegiance and obedience to THEM as spiritual leaders.
All the elements that guide you and teach you and show you something as vitally important as your worship---should not and cannot be ignored.
I have had the scales removed from my eyes and I am no longer one of the "blind who is being led by the blind" who are all headed for the pit.
Now I have chosen to follow the "tried and true" to lead me and have left following imperfect men to whom NO salvation belongs.