I got these numbers from the website www.bloodbook.com/index.html
The odds of getting infected by blood transfusion transmitted disaeses in the United States:
Hepatitis B - Risk of transmission in the Unites States is said to be 1 in 66,000.
Hepatitis C - Risk of transmission in the Unites States is said to be 1 in 121,000.
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) - Risk of transmission in the Unites States is said to be 1 in 563,000.
The WBTS has over-hyped the odds of getting a transmitted disease. Sure, there is a risk of getting infected, there are risks when dealing with medication. Theres even a risk for individuals who are allergic to latex gloves. There is no excuse for dismissing blood transfusion on the basis of these kinds of risks. Its a shame that many adherents of the WBTS make life and death decisions without being informed. I sympathize with doctors who try to walk the line between informing the patients about the actual risks of this procedure while at the same time trying to avoid violating their rights.