God first
Hi All
Here I sat talking with the God of all things, the father of Jesus Christ, the creater of all things on earth and in heaven, the love of all love, the light of all light, and that which is truth
By the grace of Jesus Christ giving his life so that I may become seed of his father-mother God and become a unborn child of God brother to Jesus the Christ
Its is Christ who is telling me what God wants me to know of all truths, It is Christ who comforts me with the truths by way of word of knowledge, word of wisdom, word of prophecy, by speaking an unknown tongue, by intertaion of that unknown tongue, by working of miracles, by discerning of spirits, by gifts of healing, and by faith which is trust in the truth written aforetime or told one on one now
I ask God why do many not hear me? The words come back loud and clear ?If only a few heard Apostel Paul and the words of Christ while he was on earth were not believe by all. How can you even ask why you are laught at by some too? That were the words that I needed to hear
Now I do not know who likes my words of prophecies but as long as I feel the need to share them with others I will do it with all my heart As I grow in understanding of what it is to trust in God?s heart to my heart
Its not a matter of whether or not I am heard but a matter of how I grow in love and truth. Its not the teachings of men that will set me free from this world but the birth into the light itself that which is pure I will become at the second coming of Jesus the first born from the dead the Christ
I find myself living by the flesh, I find myself longing after things of the flesh, I find myself living by the flesh, I find myself trusting in the flesh but I am not all flesh and bone anymore
My spirit is alive and well if I just trust it more and more each day. For it is the things of the spirit that I need. If I would live only by the spirit all fleshly things would not even be needed
The flesh saids the body must have water but what is water but oxgen and carbon dixide and are they not in the air we breath in each day. The flesh saids we need food but is it not all around us in many forms but we buy more each allmost every day we live
So what do we need The spirit of truth which is God and if we have God we have it all because God is every where because God is every thing in the flesh known to man just like mother is too her unborn child God is too us
The mother takes care of the child every need just like God takes care our every need and Jesus the Christ is the cord that holds us to God Our spirital food comes by the lovings mouth of Jesus the Christ
I spend time talking with God and can never paid him back for all the love he has gave me on a personal loveing There is not words that my mind can come up with to tell you of the way he makes me feel
When talking with God by way of Jesus Christ I feel safe, I feel loved, I feel like I am somebody, I feel strong, and like I said my joys are more than I could ever name or write in a short word of prophecy
There are times I feel lost but that when I am walking by the flesh, there are times I feel sad but that is allso times I am walking by the flesh So I cry out to you and myself lets learn to walk by the spirit more and more as we walk by the flesh less and less
It is the love of God that will light the way we need to go in our flesh until we are only spirit and truth That is the day when we will know as we are known because we will be like God but not God
That day we will sat along side of God has spiritual sons of light and truth only can Thank you for reading my words and may God bless your heart as we both walk toward the great light of God
with love Roy