Jehovahs Witness.Com (IT's GREAAAAAT)

by Big Jim 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • Big Jim
    Big Jim

    I have only been actively participating on this board for a few months, I can tell you it has really been a great thing for me to be able to read the many post of the people on this board who have made a choice to stand up and speak out about all the injustice that the WBTS has been guilty of.

    I really appreciate the people on this board who spend probally a lot of time researching issues and making the facts available to all to read and check out themselves.

    I believe we all have something unique to offer, it may be something as simple as statement as to what helped them to see the real light about the Organization.

    As for me I have been able to print information with solid facts and references that is going to help me with my letter to the local elders concerning my disassociating myself from this monster they call the truth. I have been away for about five years now, for the first three or four years I did not spend hardly anytime at all on line looking things up. However my wife has been very persistant in trying to get me back at the meetings so I needed some solid facts to tell her why I will not ever return, and this board has been a great tool.

    Plus keep in mind a lot of us especially me have not made very many new friends so this is a great place to meet some.

    So when people say they are tired of this board they need to remember how this board is a great tool to help ones that are still stuck and don't have the courage yet to make a move.

    My hat is off to all here who make positive contributions to help people to break away from the Non-Truth That Leads To Eternal Death.

    (a good quote)

    The fly that touches honey cannot use it's wings; so too the soul that clings to spiritual sweetness ruins it's freedom and hinders contemplation.

  • joelbear

    I agree and congratulate those here who take the time to post thought provoking concepts and encourage people to live a positive good life.

    I vote for as much of this as possible.



  • waiting

    uh, Joel?

    You are the same Joel who posted the thread "Who is Joelbear?"

    chuckle chuckle.

    Lullabelle! Is that you? I didn't recognize you standing up! Groucho Marx

    Just to make you chuckle too.


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