My son and another cult

by edge3 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • edge3

    Sadly I feel like my son is moving toward another paranoid cult like group. After extracting him, his mom and myself from the JW's 12 years ago my son is now exposed to and possibly buying into another bazzare belief system.

    After our divorce, his mother remarried to a guy who believes all sorts of conspiracy theories such as :

    We didn't land on the moon.

    Aircraft contrails are actually chemtrails (the government is spraying poisons on the populace).

    State birds are made illegal to kill by the government so poor people will have less food.

    The foods the government says reduce cancer risk actually cause cancer (government population control).

    The US goverment brought down the World Trade Center with planted exlposives.

    I could go on.

    I had reasoned with him in the past and he seemed to see through this garbage but recently he seems like he may buying into this paranoia. I feel angry and sick.

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours


    It sounds worse than the JWs. I really dislike paranoia of that kind. I used to work with a guy like that and his paranoia and constant talk of government conspiracy was extremelly annoying. What a nut case this guy was!!!


  • 1VTHokie


    One place where you'll probably find the information that you're looking for is at They list and have information on hundreds of cults. There's also a message board there where you can post your questions as well.

    Good luck,


  • Bubbamar

    Poor kid.

  • RR

    Not a very accurate site on the JW's:

    Russell pointed to 1914 as the year that God would set up his kingdom on earth, displace all governments and destroy everyone except "Russellites" (as they were known at the time), who would inherit a paradise on earth and live forever. Russell died disappointed in 1916, and his successors have changed dates and predictions many times since.

    Russell did not believe God was going to destroy anyone except the system. He believe in a ransom for all, that every man, women and child would have an opportunity to learn of the Lord in the Kingdom. They were never known as "Russellites" except in a derogatory way. It wasnever a name they called themselves. Russell never taught a "paradise earth for his followers" he believed all true Christians would go to heaven, and that the resst of mankind will inherit the earth.


  • outbutnotdown


    How do you know that for sure RR?


  • DanTheMan

    I wonder if he has a coworker or a "friend" who has gained undue influence over him. I had to quit a job once to get away from a conspiracy nutcase.

  • Mary

    Edge: I have a co-worker like that. I couldn't believe my ears when she said she thought the whole moon-landing was a fake. I'm not one who dismisses ALL conspiracy theories---for example, I believe that JFK was assassinated probably by those with government connections who had a bundle to lose if he remained in power. Same with RFK.

    However, that doesn't mean that every single occurance is a "coverup" or "conspiracy". There's lots of information you can look up on the internet that counters these bizarre theories, like the moon landing, etc. You may want to do some thorough research and show it to your son.

    Good luck.

  • edge3

    Thanks for the comments folks. I felt the need to vent. Any additional comments on how to deal with this would be appreciated.

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