Post Title - Jungle Fever in the BORG or Inter-racial Relationship Dynamics in the BORG.
Back in the the day inter-racial relationships were frowned on, especially if you wanted to advance spiritually (climb the corporate ladder). I remember at Bethel a few of the Brothers in Service Department used to always tell brothers that it would be beneficial to marry in their own race if they wanted to be used in the Circuit work. The premise was that the Society is not biased but rather the WORLD is and to avoid conflict, they only prefer to use couples of the same race. I later knew of an inter-racial couple in the circuit work but their ascension into the work was always attributed to the fact that they were good politicians and campaigned their way into it.
Now, if you just wanted to make Bethel a lifelong career many encouraged one to look for something outside of their race. A hot commodity for many brothers were the spanish sisters or either sisters from various island locales. Many of them were FINE and were just looking for an opportunity to get into the House of God. They really didn't care who they dated as long as they got in the house. Many of your corporate up-and-comers (who were absolutely SHELTERED NERDLINGS of all colors) saw the opportunity, dated and married many of these sisters. Thus what was born was the revolutionary NERD MOVEMENT. It was a badge of honor for various Bethel dorks and nerds to find some sister of a different race and have them as a trophy girl. The sisters were caught up in the power-trip of it all. There was this sister at my hall who married a up and coming Bethel nerd and they were so estatic. You would of thought that she married a multi-millionaire basketball player or something the way her family and the congreation fawned over this nerdy-ass bethelite. Other Bethelites would straight-up covet the trophy girl (another thread for another time), old-timers would say that it was a simply a sign of a blessing from Jehovah, while new-boy Bethelites would be WHAT DA' FUCK?
Imagine Halle Berry with Pee Wee Herman or Pamela Anderson with Urkel. That's the type of disparity (outer appearance at least) that you would have. Many of these sisters had a hard time especially in their first year or two. I worked with a few sisters in the Homes (Maintenance & Home Housekeeping) while the Pressroom was shut down one summer and I think I doubled as a shrink. The ones who had married for the power trip were soon dissatisfied over everything ranging from their husband's performance in bed to not wanting to dance or be a social butterfly. They would tell me how they wish they could get pregnant so that they could just leave. Others just kind of relegated themselves to serving out their days enjoying the advancements of their husbands up the corporate ladder and taking whatever spotlight that they could get from that.