The nightmare of the WTS is, more than ever, becoming a reality and is making a difference in how people research about the teachings and history of JWs. I'm speaking, of course, about the Internet.
They call the period that we are living in the Information Age and that is more apparent with each passing day. Have you noticed how many new people are showing up at just this one site and saying they are leaving the JWs because of the lies or saying they have been contacted by JWs and maybe even studied and want to learn what they aren't telling? Where are they learning this information? The Internet.
The WTS has to be deeply afraid of this modern technolocigal marvel that brings information to a person at the touch of a few buttons. They are trying to demonize it, in their publications and meetings, but more and more JWs and interested people are ignoring that advice and looking anyway.
Think about it. If you were an employer and wanted to hire somebody with a great resume, you do a background check on them. If you're an applicant and are being lured to another company, you do research on this company. It's background, it's record, it's forecast for the future. Wouldn't, shouldn't we do the same for whatever major life decision we make? It's amazing how people go by feel to pick a religion when religion supposedly (according to themselves anyway) is the single most important decision that you'll ever make. Why shouldn't we do a background check on them? How do we know they are telling the truth? What's their track record? Why are they afraid of independant research? Why are they afraid of the Internet? If you have to ask these last two questions, then your spidey sense has to start tingling.
It started as a trickle, now it may be a small stream, but the dam is cracking and it's only a matter of time before it fails and the flood begins.