First Words After Being Resurrected: "Did you give money to the Society?"

by Funchback 2 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Funchback

    From the back page of the August 1, 2004, Watchamatower:

    (From Nigeria)

    "Our son, Anderson, died when he was 14. Before his death, he was raising two chickens. He wanted to sell them and then send the money to the branch office as a contribution to the worldwide preaching work. But he died before they could be sold.

    "In view of his desire, we, his parents, raised the chickens and sold them. We are sending the money to you as Anderson's contribution. Because of Jehovah's promise, we are confident that we will soon---very soon---see Anderson again. We would like to say, 'Yes!' when he asks if we carried out his heart's desire."

    Sheesh! The kid gets resurrected and he's gonna ask about those flickin'-blickin' chickens???

    It would be funny if they sold them to the Branch Overseer. That would be the equivalent of the WTS double-dipping (which they do anyway).

  • candidlynuts

    i wonder what the wtbs does for poor people in nigeria? it sounds like the 2 chickens were of some value to the family..

  • shamus

    Actually, another thread was started with this very 'experience' quoted, LOL! Not that we're expecting you to go through hundreds of threads to see if it had been posted first, LOL!

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