G'day all,
How's it going with you this fair weekend? Downunder we're having a fine but very cool time. The news for us is very sobering (the Bali bombing convictions, etc), Sydney Airport's going to have a 500 million dollar re-fit to equip it for the new double decker Airbus in 2006 and Bethel's very quiet this weekend.
So, what shall we do to pass our time together? So, get yourself a cup of coffee or better still, crack a bottle of shiraz, and reminisce togetther.
This weekend's poll topic is:
How important were placements to you?
1. Very important, especially the magazines.
2. Very important, especially subscriptions. (especially a double sub)
3. Very important, especially books.
4. Fairly important.
5. Essential to getting "privileges".
6. Essential for keeping the elders off my back.
7. Not so important
8. Never bothered.
9. What's placements?
10. Other (please detail)
So what do you reckon? Let's share.
Cheers, Ozzie (of the upside down class)
Blessed are the bewildered - for they won't notice!