Help!! Advice Needed. Taking an Employer ScreeningTest

by calamityjane 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • calamityjane

    I''ve just put in my application for a new job and I received the call the other day to come in for job testing, which will take 2 to 3 hours This testing is done prior to actually attending the interview for the job.

    Has anyone taken anything like this?? Any pointers?? I work as a legal secretary right now, and this is a job that I'm applying for at the Ontario Attorney General's Office, as a Trial Co-ordinator.

    Any advice would be helpful. Wouldn't have to be actual government screening but any type of employer screening. I go on Thursday.


  • SheilaM

    I've taken these many times especially at Citibank...they are more concerened with your honesty on ? then you finishing especially any psychological ? is more important than math or anything on the test. I've referred people to Citibank that didn't make it cause they were in a hurry to get it all done than answering the Questions fully.

    You'll do fine

  • shamus

    Be honest. If you're honest you will do fine. If you put down what you think they want to hear, you are not going to get hired.

    There is no way to 'cheat' those things.

  • shotgun

    CJ..your a smartie so don't worry...and if you get the job at the courthouse you'll get to see XJW more often as well

  • Special K
    Special K

    Hi CJ..

    change can be stressful. Tests can be stressful, too.

    Get a good nights rest the night before the test.

    Eat a good breakfast.

    Don't drink too much coffee that morning (or else you'll have to go pee to much)

    Take a deep breath before you start the test.

    If it's 2-3 hours, you might want to have bottled water with you.(most of my oldest sons exams were 3 hour exams this year..long. He said he was glad he took water with him)

    Good luck, CJ..and hope you get the job.

    Special K

  • jgnat

    I must repeat the advice to be honest and be yourself. If you try and "fake it" you might end up with a highly incompatible employer. Let your true self shine through, and you may find a boss that loves you for who you are! This is what their website says about the recruitment process:

  • calamityjane

    Thanks for the vote of confidence and your advice everyone.

    and Shotgun LOL you make me laugh. Always picking on xjw.

    Thanks jgnat, I never thought to go on that site.

    I've already begun to lose sleep, I'll be glad when tomorrow is over.

    Special K good advice on the water.




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