I guess they really do want to control your thinking. Mother knows best!
Your friend from the swamp,
Swamp Thing
by SwampThing 5 Replies latest jw friends
I guess they really do want to control your thinking. Mother knows best!
Your friend from the swamp,
Swamp Thing
The item you requested () is invalid, still pending, or no longer in our database. Please check the number and try again. If this message persists, the item has either not started and is not yet available for viewing, or has expired and is no longer available.
--This is what I got when I followed your link...
Hi Sherry,
For some reason you have to cut and paste the link into your browser. I had seen the same problem when an ebay link is posted in other forums. Give it another try...
Swamp Thing
Wooo wooo, this is funny! Over a hundred sites, huh? Out of a potential 3,590,000,000!!! That is a less than
0.000003% |
of the potential of the internet. Scary google. All that information to avoid!
A Great Reference to Quality Websites
The Spring 2004 edition of the 'Witness Guide to the Internet' is now available!
This is an ebook that provides you with links and reviews to many websites on the Internet of interest to Jehovah's Witnesses.
If you're afraid to Google search on terms like 'Jehovah' or 'Watchtower' because of what's listed, then you'll find this ebook a real time saver.
Over 100 items of interest, from the Official sites, to Witness oriented businesses (book binding, interesting items, software, etc.), to reference places for online Bibles, manuscripts, Books, etc.
And with every item, a review of it - so you don't have to visit it if you don't want to.
The ebook is very easy to use - simply click on an interesting link, and your browser opens to the website.
I wonder why they don't just open a public web site... a JW Portal.
I did a search on google and "The Witness Guide to the Internet" returned nothing.
I wonder if it contains a link to here............