I quote from Ewatchman's latest essay "Will Christianity survive the end of the world":
Indeed, we are assured by God's everlasting Word that the meek will inherit the earth and reside forever upon it. However, in the strictest sense, only anointed individuals are truly Christians. The word "christ" literally means "anointed one." So too, the designation "Christians" applies specifically to the body of anointed followers of Christ. Also, only anointed Christians are in a covenant relationship with Jehovah through Christ?Jesus serving as their mediator with God Almighty. Only anointed Christians comprise the true Israel of God.
So, to dispel any unease over the topic at hand concerning whether Christianity will survive this world, it is in the strictest definition of Christianity that the question is framed.
Acknowledging, then, the classical sense of the word "Christianity," the question is now rephrased to say: Will the anointed survive the end of the world?
What does "prat" mean in the strictest, classical sense?