More on JW "Confidential Files"

by Bendrr 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bendrr

    I had a conversation last night with an old friend (not a JW) and brought up the subject of my file.
    We discussed how to obtain the file. Needless to say, over a few beers it got very interesting with drawings and maps.
    When he left I phoned another old friend in the town in question and told him briefly about the discussion.
    He said to hold off on any "operation" because he knew someone I could talk to. Since he was on a cell phone, he didn't want to talk much. Right now he is getting in contact with this "someone"-I have no idea who it is but possibly a JW.
    Meanwhile, the other friend and I are going to recon the area this weekend. I can't go to a meeting there, don't need to be seen in the area.
    And of course, this may all just end up being talk and never happening but I thought I'd share it with you anyway.

    Expect nothing and you will never be disappointed,

  • TR

    Hi Bendrr,

    Something I've been pondering also. Very interesting.


    "Kults Suk"

  • AGuest

    Dear Bendrr...

    There is always the easy (and legal) way:

    1. Write a letter asking for them;
    2. Tell them they have 10 days to respond... in writing;
    3. Send a copy to the WTS Legal Department;
    4. In 10 days... SUBPOENA them (you can file in Small Claim's court under the Freedom of Information Act and your RIGHT to see any 'confidential' file kept on YOU. ANY file... excluding, I think, FBI stuff. But then again...).

    Though, for the LIFE of me, I cannot imagine what you would want with them. Most likely they are 'trumped up' anyway. I got to see my 'publisher card' a few times. The 'brothers' would get a kick out of showing it to me. Why? Who knows... power, I guess.

    Always amazed me: one year their would be an 'A' (for 'anointed'); next year, the A was whited out and there was an 'O' (for 'other sheep'). I asked about this and was told it depended on the Secretary... and body of Elders. Then the next year the O was whited out and there would be an 'A'... and this went on for about five or six years... a couple times the A or O stayed awhile... until I actually partook. Then... they wouldn't LET me see the card anymore!

    (I didn't partake for about 9 years because I knew my family would suffer the 'fallout'. So, I 'begged off' until I couldn't anymore and by the time I did, my family was like 'bring it on'!)

    Peace to you!

    A slave of Christ,


  • Amazing

    Hi Benderr: The comment by AGuest about using the Freedom of Information act is not applicable with respect to private records not in the public domain. This would be doubly true of religious protection under State and Federal Constitutions. The Elders and the Soceity would claim clergy-Pentinent privilege.

    Whatever you do, don't do anyting illegal, such as having someone break in and take them. If a sympathetic JW and/or Elder is willing to retrieve them for you, that may work, and avoid charges, depending on your state laws. If you do get your records, whatever you do, make a copy first and place it in a safe place with someone or in a safe deposit box in another state, and an extra copy for your attorney. Then make a working copy to keep with you.

    The files are supposed to be kept at the Kingdom Hall. (When I was Sec. we kept them at my home.) You may need to find out where in the Hall they are kept. Often they are kept in the Library or what constitutes the Sceond school. In our Hall, we had three schools, and the basement school had an office build off the back end, and that is where a locked standard four drawer metal file cabinette was kept. It was not uncommon for Elders to forget to lock it.

    I strongly discourage tampering with locks or doing anything that would cause any criminal charges to be filed against you or any working with you.

    If an Elder brought out your file for you to look at while he was there, you could try to have a small hidden camera on your person and make photos, but that scenario is costly, requires training, and is mot likely that an Elder would cooperate with you. Good luck.


  • Bendrr

    Hi Amazing, thanks for the response.
    In this particular hall, I would imagine the filing cabinet would be in the same location I remember.
    In the library, northeast corner of the building. The library has a door to the outside only a few feet from where the filing cabinet should be.
    Of course, you make the best point in that sometimes files are not where they are supposed to be which is at the Hall.
    Which is why I am working on gathering good intelligence before taking action.
    Going to court would be a loser. FOIA wouldn't apply, and any paper would be destroyed anyways at the first mention of a subpoena.
    Sometimes you have to circumvent the law. They don't need to have this information on people. Maybe it's a pretty petty thing to want to take my file, but in this era of no privacy, one less bit of personal information out there is one more bit of privacy. I think every "confidential file" in every kingdom hall should be appropriated and sent to it's rightful owner.
    It could work. We theorized it to about 90 seconds or less. "T", being ex-army sf, could help pull it off.
    The real trick is e&e after the fact.

    Expect nothing and you will never be disappointed,

  • Bendrr

    Hi Amazing, thanks for the response.
    In this particular hall, I would imagine the filing cabinet would be in the same location I remember.
    In the library, northeast corner of the building. The library has a door to the outside only a few feet from where the filing cabinet should be.
    Of course, you make the best point in that sometimes files are not where they are supposed to be which is at the Hall.
    Which is why I am working on gathering good intelligence before taking action.
    Going to court would be a loser. FOIA wouldn't apply, and any paper would be destroyed anyways at the first mention of a subpoena.
    Sometimes you have to circumvent the law. They don't need to have this information on people. Maybe it's a pretty petty thing to want to take my file, but in this era of no privacy, one less bit of personal information out there is one more bit of privacy. I think every "confidential file" in every kingdom hall should be appropriated and sent to it's rightful owner.
    It could work. We theorized it to about 90 seconds or less. "T", being ex-army sf, could help pull it off.
    The real trick is e&e after the fact.

    Expect nothing and you will never be disappointed,

  • ofcmad

    Take it from me. It's not worth it. Ok, so you get the files illegally. What would they read? Probably your time cards would be in it. Because with instructions from the Society, the elders can't write down jack-crap because it opens them up to litagation.
    Yeah, it may see like a 'cool' idea now, but would you have the money to fight a criminal and civil case. They already have high-priced lawyers on retainer. And God knows how a public defender would fit into that picture. And I can tell that your plan has already failed for the below mentioned reasons:
    1. When committing a crime, do it alone. You can NEVER trust the mouth of your friends.
    2. You've posted it on the internet. Don't think that people like the Fred Hall's would grab copies of this post, and the WBTS would research it with the KH's.
    3. Something that funny, couldn't be kept silent. I.E., see #1 and #2. Never plan a crime over a couple of beers.
    4. Fingerprints can be retrieved off paper, bricks, the interior of latex gloves, ect.
    5. Cops especially HATE people who screw with churches, they are considered the lowest of the low. They will do whatever it takes to find the person who did it. You'd have to maintain your silence for at least 7 years.

    Trust me, they are not worth the time.


    "Noah was a drunk and look what he accomplished." The Metatron/Dogma

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