Kerouac once said that to write, you have to need it. It's time to pay the rent, or something. I need to write this play. I promised my producer that I would. So just writing something can help. Anything. Even a fluffy thread to all of you who probably aren't that interested... Hell, even I'm not that interested. Okay, here's a brief synopsis.
Psycho Toga Party
Flavius the Playwright is in a bit of a spot. His best slave Succubus wants to marry him. The Imperial secretary Monica is breathing down his neck (literally) trying to get him to write a play for the Emperor's Birthday Bash. The emperor Cunniligula himself has shown up for a private showing of the play (which hasn't been written yet). Pugnax the gladiator is standing to one side, threatening the kittens unless he gets paid back for a loan of wine. And Titticus the Female Senator is scheming and wheeling and dealing to the sides, trying to overthrow Cunniligula.
Not exactly la vie boheme. And it gets a lot less boheme when Cunniligula winds up dead, with a six inch dagger in his head.
This is one of those audience participation dinner murder mystery things...
Sigh... the doldrums has got meeeeee....