Meetings or bible studies

by Teela 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • Teela

    I go to cake decorating class, another class member was talking about there mother I recognised her mother as a JW. I mention that my mother knew this person and she agreed and completley shut down the conversation. However what was strange was the class occurs on a Tuesday night, from 7-9pm. Her husband was always outside at 9 pm to take her home. However after 3 lessons she was unable to due to a "meeting" implying it was not a "church gathering" but a real meeting. The question is, are they called meetings because (some) people are embarrased to tell the truth and looking stupid, or is a larger issue of the JW not wanting the outside world not to see how time consuming and demanding the cult really is?

    She is unable to attend on tuesday nights now and is going to the Thursday morning class.

  • jws

    The JWs always have to have different words than everyone else for things that every church has. It mentally seperates believers from the other churches. It's not services or mass, it's a meeting. To a JW, a meeting is a church service at their church (Kingdom Hall). A "book study" or "bible study" is basically the same type of service, but split up into smaller groups, mostly in people's homes. Sometimes that's still called a meeting.

    As to why your classmate started coming and then had to switch, who knows? There are overcrowded halls where 3 or more congregations meet. Tuesday isn't meeting night for everyone. Maybe she started skipping and somebody talked to her about it. Maybe she was wanting the Thursday class all along, but had to wait for somebody to drop out.

  • Teela

    I should explain this is an adults class we are both in our forties. It is held in a private home with only two other people attending. The JW is a mother in her 40's. She said it was inconvience to attend on Tuesdays and I looked at her very carefully, she couldn't look me in the eye. It was the cult at work but she could'nt admit it.

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