I hate informal wittnessing. Ya'll need to understand how embarresing it is for a 20 year old socialite like myself to be outside in the middle of the summer with a handful of WT magazines in my hand in front ff the 7-eleven or gasp maybe even in front of the mall (for the love of God whyyy!) waiting for my peers to come out so that I may "give a fine wittness." Anybody else got any embaressing stories, wheter it be from giving talks, preaching or even just being at one our lovely 'christian gatherings.' (wouldn't want to call it a party-sounds so wordly!) or even the annual spring cleanings (do it for Jehovah now )Write your stories! Oh and p.s- please post your viewpoints concerning my previous post concerning the sunday wt article about blood fractions.
by tresbella 2 Replies latest social entertainment
Does walking out of the ladies room with my skirt tucked into my pantyhose count?
Or how about this one... at the district convention, my zipper broke on my dress. And it was the kind of zipper that went from my ass, all the way up my back. =)
I've got a few. They're all a little on the risque side. Well, I mean, risque for a Witness is anything that even alludes to the fact that people reproduce.
One would have to be slipping on the word "Moral" and saying "Oral" in front of the congregation. You wouldn't believe the amount of giggling coming from the congregation. You would have thought it was a sixth grade sex ed class.
Kind of a backstory to the next one. You see, the night before I had helped this girl from another congregation sneak out so that she could meet up with her worldly boyfriend while I spent some time uh.. in my car with another girl from my congregation. The next day at the meeting, the grandmother of the girl I had helped sneak out comes up to me with a young teenager on her arm and practically begs me to study with her 14 year old grandson since I'm such a good, upstanding brother. I felt a twinge of guilt. After all, this woman trusted me and I'm probably the worst person she could have come to if she wanted a good, upstanding brother. Luckily, the elders swooped in and put an end to the situation. Since they're from another congregation, the kid wasn't my responsibility. Praise Jah, you people!
And then, there's the crippled man's wife. I'm sure this woman is about as sexually frustrated as they come (no pun intended). At times she can be a little flirty with the young brothers, but nobody seems to mind. To my knowledge, nobody takes it seriously, and since she's an elder's wife, none of the young brothers would even dare do anything but smile and nod. The great thing about this woman though, is that she has a good sense of humor. She's one of the only elder's wives I've met that can take a joke, and she likes to crack one every now and then to keep things lively. I've on many occasions been the object of her flirtacious joking. One day after the meeting, as I'm walking to the car, she slows down, rolls her window down and yells "Hey, good lookin', you goin' my way?" Knowing that this is obviously a joke, I yell back "You can't afford me, lady." Just then, out of the corner of my eye, I see her husband wheeling toward the car. To this day I have no idea if he heard us, and I have no desire to find out.