And another.... and another.... and another....
"Throughout history countless thousands of people have predicted the end of the world, and they all have one thing in common... they were all wrong"
by Elsewhere 6 Replies latest jw friends
And another.... and another.... and another....
"Throughout history countless thousands of people have predicted the end of the world, and they all have one thing in common... they were all wrong"
GREAT LINK! Shows how research shall "set you free"
research is also the "truth" tm
I don't think the WTS will come up with an another date. They should know better by now. If they do, it'll be the end of their business. Hmm....actually I want them to come up with a new prediction.
it just goes to show you how crazy jw's are. after so many screw ups with dates and predictions, if you told a jw today that the jw's have made more prediction screw ups than anyone else ever, they would insist that they weren't screw ups and that it was all new light. it makes you want to throw up.
Good to go bravo Elsewhere for this resource i'm gonna post excerpts thereof @
The author seems to have fallen for one piece of JW revisionism:
Charles Russell, after being exposed to the teachings of William Miller, founded his own organization - the Jehovah's Witnesses. In 1914 Russell predicted the return of Jesus Christ.
JW's today like to tell themselves that CT Russell predicted Christ's return, but the reality is he made no such prediction. He decided after the fact that Christ had already returned invisibly in 1874 and therefore did not look forward to it as future event. Even after his death, the JW's did not decide Christ had returned in 1914 until the early 1930's.
2006 HAS BEEN LEFT OUT,that has been predicted by the author of the Bible code.