UPDATE: Tenants are gone.... you won't believe it!

by neverthere 0 Replies latest jw friends

  • neverthere

    I know that it was quite some time ago that I posted about our tenants and how they were not what we needed here. Well we finally told her and she FREAKED! It was quite difficult and she was being a total bitch about it. Apparently she wouldn't put her kids before us if she had "promised" to help us as we did her. I know that is a bunch of crap! I will only be watching her kids here and there until the end of August, I have them for the next 2 days, (days only) then an hour or two here and there. I told her I am going back to work, which we don't know for sure what I will be doing as I have to sort daycare for my daughter.

    Get this though, they had a big fight after that happened and he left her! He told her that he couldn't take the yelling, feeling as if he was always doing something wrong when he was trying to do his best for his family. He would come home from work after she was home all day, clean the house, do the dishes and cook the food for all of them, meanwhile I know for a fact that her youngest child (18 mos) sat most of the day in the highchair so that she could go outside to smoke. (no wacky tobaccy though).

    Now she has no idea how much time he has been spending up here with me as they have been packing, when she is at work he comes to talk to me (and hubby when he is awake, hubby works nights). He spends hours talking to me, telling me things he apparently has never told her, how he feels etc. for apparently when he brings them up she cuts him off and off she goes about how everything affects HER.

    Hubby is going to take him out one night for a beer and to shoot pool with hubby's brother's, give him that male time that she never really allowed him to have.

    I think it is great he left her! Took his stones back and put em where they belong. I just hope it lasts!

    Thanks bunches for listening before,



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