JWS who break the law by running a large/noisey business out of home

by wednesday 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • wednesday

    How many of u know JWS who operate businesses out of their home, backyard, or garage? I know several. Here, in my city, as it is many places, it is against the city law. U can't do it b/c it generates traffic and downgrades the property in your area. Currently i have neighbors who are church of christ members and run a a busines out of their home. They have big arse trucks that are parked on the street. i have complained about them and was told candidly by the person who took my call, 'they know someone at city hall". Also their is a bro who operates a large business out of his home. some of his neighbors have complained but he regards it as jehovah's blessings and His personal intervention that he has been allowed to continue. I called and talked to someone about him and again, i was told they have tried to "get " him but apprently his neighbors are not complaining enough, or apparenlty his also knows someone on the city council.

    Kind of makes me ill them thinking that jehovah is helping them break the law. Jws are just like the rest of the world, 2 sets of standards, one for the "connected" and one for the rest of us peons.

    edited b/c i have no spell check

  • Dan-O

    I gave up on being a JW a LONG time ago, but I run a business out of my home. Very few of my customers actually come here. Most of them deal with me by phone & e-mail & fax. Others I see at their place of business.

  • wednesday

    hi dan,

    the type of business u run is different. U are not clogging the street with extra traffic b/c people are coming to your place of business. that is a very different thing than large trucks and heavy machinery that u own and are parked on your street. It is very common today for people to work out of their home, but most are running businesses of the type u describe. Most likely no one could even tell u run a business. But if u have large trucks parked on the street, and run machines that make a lot of noise, man, they neeed to rent a shop. It has become an issue in my area of town. we are trying desperately to keep the industrial business out of this area. It is not zoned for it, yet people are getting away with it.

    I'm going to start attending city council meetings. I am tired of being a non participant of my city governement. I am going to get in there and hash it out with them.

  • Leolaia

    My dad was not a JW, but he ran a business out of the house. In the back we had two small buildings in the back lot and he used that as a candle-making factory....in a residential neighborhood. He would have big trucks bringing supplies driving up and down the street. He kept it hush hush for a while and knew it went against zoning laws, but then it came an end after the 1971 giant earthquake which damaged the electrical wiring and one night one of the supply buildings caught fire from faulty wiring and all the flamable supplies caught fire and became a big inferno....anyway, that was the end of our address being used as a factory.....Then we lost the house a year later due to further incompetence.....I went back to it several years ago and met the ppl who moved in since....they actually knew the story about the fire from neighbors but thought it was caused by the candles themselves and didn't know about the quake. The house itself was partly destroyed by the Northridge quake but looks good now....

  • wednesday

    wow, interesting story, Leolaia.

    I know there are many who do run a business out of their home. No offense is intended by my posts. What galls me is this bro thinks it is "god's spirit" and the like that is protecting him from getting in trouble for running a noisy business in a residential area. What is saving his arse is

    spineless city council, sucking up to members of the city council.

    These same people would denounce "worldly" people for doing the same thing, but feel they have some special backing form God.

  • undercover

    I knew several JWs who ran businesses out of garages and shops on their house property. And as you noted, these type of businesses were not allowed there. Carpenter shops, car repair shops, construction offices with trucks coming and going. I remember one brother got busted and had to move his business because the neighbors complained. The neighbors were a church across the street. The noise from the shop was disrupting their services.

  • NeonMadman
    My dad was not a JW, but he ran a business out of the house. In the back we had two small buildings in the back lot and he used that as a candle-making factory....in a residential neighborhood. ... it came an end after the 1971 giant earthquake which damaged the electrical wiring and one night one of the supply buildings caught fire from faulty wiring and all the flamable supplies caught fire and became a big inferno....

    Well, see? If he had been a JW he would have had Jehovah's Protection (TM) and that wouldn't have happened.

  • wednesday
    Well, see? If he had been a JW he would have had Jehovah's Protection (TM) and that wouldn't have happened.

    not laughing at Leolia, but it is so true jws thin they do have god's protection in all , including violating the law. wish i could get the bro i know busted.

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