I think I finally figured out the blood doctrine....I think

by undercover 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • undercover

    This whole blood doctrine thing has got me so confused, but I think I've got it narrowed down to this:

    The WTS is trying to get away from the blood doctrine or at least make it less of a doctrinal point than it has been over the years. The WTS now allows fractions, which, if I understand correctly, modern medicine uses fractions more than whole blood anyway. So, what's the big deal, right?

    Well, they can't just come out and say, "New light, ya'll. God said blood ain't as big a deal as we thought. It's up to each individual conscience to decide". If they did that, then they would be opening up themselves to lawsuits. So, it's new light, but it isn't new light, it's a clarification of old light, or sumthin like that. The fact that the whole blood doctrine is so confusing shows that the lawyers are writing this crap. They've worded it so that the average dub doesn't know that in actuality the doctrine has changed and is constantly changing and is not the end all be all of JW teachings anymore.

    At the same time, the GB, or whoever's running things now, doesn't want to lose face to the dubs by admitting a mistake or misconception. They also don't want to lose control by allowing dubs too much freedom in choosing medical services related to blood. So even though the WTS has made most of the blood doctrine a "conscience matter" they still load the WT articles with wording that tries to subliminally convince dubs to not take blood, not because the WTS told them it was wrong but because their "christian conscience" told them to. This way the dubs don't realize that the WTS is abandoning the blood doctrine(over time), lawsuits won't be levied against the WTS and dubs will still, for the time being, remain loyal to the borg and refuse whole blood and some of them will refuse even the allowed fractions.

    God sure does work in mysterious ways.

  • DireStraitJacket

    my mother got back from that watchtower study and she mentioned how they were now allowed to take blood fractions. She said that blood fractions were only really used in stuff like snake bite antidotes, and it wasn't really important.. I immediately brought up that numerous witnesses must have died over the years due to not being allowed to have said antidotes, isn't this a waste of life something Jehovah views as precious?
    She said that she was sure those people would all be resurected, so it didn't matter to much. I brought up the pain of those peoples family but she stopped listening to me...
    She also said that if she needed blood she would NEVER take it in any form.. I suggested that might be a bit selfish towards the family members incl. me, she said she was just obeying Jehovah.
    That is where I walked off trying to stop myself from screaming out how brain washed she was..

    anyway, can someone clarify how important blood fractions are, or how widely they are used?
    It seems the average dub hasn't noticed much of a change..

  • metatron

    We can be certain that they are trying to save face. They are entirely willing to discard a few lives to prevent this

    threat to their control being exposed. If anyone has any doubts about their collective self-interest, read Crisis of Conscience

    in regard to 1975 and the 'generation' issue.

    I continue to believe that they could have made a clear break with the blood issue - if they weren't such calloused

    cowards. They could have quietly developed a doctrinal emphasis on voluntary service and eventually had C.O.'s

    eliminate any reference to df'ing for taking blood on the moral basis that requiring martyrdom is ethically repugnant.

    Even the Imperial Japanese soldiers who became kamikazes found fault with the notion of required martyrdom,

    proving once again that the Watchtower can't raise themselves to the most meagre of 'worldly' standards,

    ( as they also manifest in committing frauds that no modern corporation would get away with).


  • Neo
    They could have quietly developed a doctrinal emphasis on voluntary service and eventually had C.O.'s

    eliminate any reference to df'ing for taking blood on the moral basis that requiring martyrdom is ethically repugnant

    Excellent point; that's a reason why the WT Leadership has such low morals... martyrdom should only spring from personal volition; no one should be forced into it.


    (my introductory thread: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/7/76140/1.ashx)

  • peacefulpete

    Not that we will ever really know but I don't feel there is the long term planning required for such a conspiracy. I accept that they are so deluded as to believe they are messengers of God. They are however aging humans torn by their own needs and that of their wives. They may even have some feeling for the needs of the little people they control. The only recourse is contradictory rationalization. They find a way to argue in favor of fractions yet blind to the possibility that they were completely wrong in the first place.

  • blondie

    Does anyone have access to a comprehensive list of products made today from blood fractions?


  • SwampThing

    Hi Blondie,

    Try this link:


    Click on the link for blood products. Te home page is:


    Wouldn't it just be the coolest thing if I can provide Blondie with a link?...*smile*

    Swamp Thing

  • SwampThing


    If I may interject, the medical community has not infused whole blood for many years. Once science figured out that many people could benefit from a single unit of blood if you just separate the components, then guess what happened? Yes, the donor does his good deed for the day and Joe gets his red blood cells, Sally gets her white cells, Johnny gets his plasma, Billy gets his platelets, and so on, and so on....

    Oh yeah, let?s not forget the monetary part of this equation. If a pint of whole blood brings $500.00, and the components thereof bring $2,000.00, which way do you think the market is going to go?

    The question I have always had with regard to the blood issue, and that my ex-JW friend could never answer, was if God says blood is bad, who the hell is man to break it down into its components and decide that the parts of the whole are ok? Pretty arrogant on their part, in my opinion.

    Swamp Thing


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