Are we, as ex-JW's or clandestine fake Witnesses gaining the advantage in familial and social relations?
While many of you still suffer from Watchtower-dictated isolation, I feel that generally, the advantage is shifting our way.
There's light at the end of the tunnel. I offer this opinion based on observation of my extended family and many comments
offered on the Internet that suggest that the sand may be shifting under the Theocratic tyrants' boot.
The most powerful factor causing this shift continues to be the unimpeded disaffiliation of Witness kids. Even the most
staunch Witness families are feeling the pressure generated by their children and grandchildren leaving the "truth".
Who can eat with? Whose church wedding can you attend? Whose graduation can you celebrate? Whose dinner party
can you attend? Add to this a never ending stream of 'cut n' paste' inspiration from the Watchtower and Witness discipline
seems to be slip-sliding away.
Many older Witnesses are now trapped in a century they thought was unthinkable and privately haunted by an 'Armageddon
Soon!' slogan that feels increasingly hollow. They may come to long for the contact of an extended family whose affections
they previously had little care for. They may want to see their kids and grandkids as age overtakes them.
While I would never advise using children to gain leverage in any cold-hearted fashion, neither would I allow still-loyal cultists
to dictate THEIR standards in my household. We'd like to see you come to our picnic ( but don't tell me who I can't invite
while you threaten not to attend).
Don't automatically discount your Witness friends, either, Many will respond in "Nicodemus" fashion, discreetly, as long as
congregation Pharisees aren't watching. Going to college is a useful thorn in the Society's side as oldtimers puzzle over what
used to be forbidden and windy explanations of how much conscience the Watchtower says you're allowed to have. You never
know what one unchaperoned visit to the internet might accomplish......
All of which brings us to to a delightful dilemma for the Watchtower. They are likely to respond with renewed calls for
more shunning and hateful behaviour as they feel control slipping away. However, they are often forced to do this in the
most cowardly manner possible - by preaching this in isolated Circuit Assemblies, the Kingdom Ministry or word of mouth
from Circuit Overseers - so as to avoid inflaming public opinion that might find its way into courtrooms and government
offices. They are getting into trouble with breaking up families , as their recent experience with Russia shows.
Tough luck for them.
Time is on our side. Events are quietly going against their misrule.