Sad news...

by bull01lay 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • bull01lay

    I had a fantastic holiday in Florida with some good friends back in 2000 - 3 couples and a single lass. The link below to the news story was the seventh member of our party.

    Feels really weird - was looking through some video footage of the holiday to try and get some extra pictures of her, for her best friend.

    What could possibly have been going through his mind when he did this ?? Now, his ex wife has been placed under police protection, along with his sister - just incase!!

    Sad, sad sad......

    Just to heap pain upon pain... the company that did the wedding video hadn't even released it to Chanel and Lee, so the first time he saw his Wedding video was on the evening news! It's believed they sold it to Sky and Central!! Bastards!


  • Sweetp0985

    I hope there is some way to sue them for that. That is such an invasion of privacy and then they made money off of something that was sacred and to have it shown all over TV. Not that it was something bad to show but right now the immediate family needed to see that and not the whole world. And it should have been left up to the family if they wanted to show it to the world or not.

    Sorry about your friend. My prayers are with you and her family.

  • bull01lay

    Something else that infuriates me about this type of 'event', is that people appear out of the woodwork, just to get their names in the paper, or get publicity for their businesses. For instance, her old boss made a statement in the paper, but wished to remain anonymous, then suddenly she's quite happy talking to reporters IN HER HAIR SALON, saying how close they were, and how she treated 'That Girl' like her own daughter. Bullsh*t!!!! Chanel quit her job before we went to the states, and was asking my girlfriend (now wife) advice on how to get her money out of that bitch, because she owed her several weeks pay (my wife works in debt recovery).

    Anything for 5 minutes fame and free advertising!!!!

    Bull! <going for a whisky now to cool off!)

  • LittleToe

    Worse than sick!!!

    I hope (given the time of the morning) that you're coming up here to get that whisky, bud.
    As you know, you're always welcome!

  • bull01lay

    Cheers LT - on my way! (I wish!!!!)

    <deep sigh>


    Latest news - apparently they have found the murder weapon now....

  • Special K
    Special K

    Sorry one of your friend suffered a death like this bullolay.

    It must truly be something of a big shock.

    she looks so young, vibrant.. and just getting married a few weeks back.

    What a sad loss of life. ((((bullolay))))

    Special K

  • Sunspot

    What a sad and tragic event, Bull. I feel so sorry for all that were involved and the awful pain they are going through.

    Sending you a big hug,


  • reboot

    (((((Bull)))) so sorry to hear you knew them...Ive just been reading about this in the paper..poor girl, it's a terrible tradgedy....the piece inferred how close he and his daughter were...sometimes life events can make people act with blind rage and temporary insanity.Such a sad situation.

    As for the wedding video, I cant begin to imagine just how dreadful that must've been for the groom.


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